Damage between players is also cut in half, as is shield strength.
Mettaricana wrote: »Fun fact you dont have to take the sewers to get to crafting station just use the latters and pop up in the district where the station is
rustic_potato wrote: »Wait you died to NPCs in Imperial City? ROFL
You DO take half damage from mobs as well (which is why mobs inside delves are so easy to deal with), as well as an extra 5,000 HP before multipliers, and on top of that, a bonus to the range of your long range abilities (28m). And enemy players will also deal 50% less damage to you as well.
If Battle spirit wasn't a thing, you'd die to an enemy before any healing whatsoever can possibly save you (which was already almost the case in 1.6 - but it would be even worse).
exeeter702 wrote: »Holy *** this is rich......
Mettaricana wrote: »Fun fact you dont have to take the sewers to get to crafting station just use the latters and pop up in the district where the station is
I used the ladder. But it seemed to be only a one way exit.
Mettaricana wrote: »Fun fact you dont have to take the sewers to get to crafting station just use the latters and pop up in the district where the station is
I used the ladder. But it seemed to be only a one way exit.
Use the ladder to get to the district you need and sneak to the crafting station. After you craft your gear travel to a different campaign and you are back in Cyradiil safe and sound. My failed tank (race/class combo was as bad a choice as could be made) became my crafter so he had to sneak everywhere in the Imperial City. I did get the fishing accomplishment there though so he was good at sneaking and hiding. He was also very efficient when came to dying, did it with little or no fuss on their part.
Now I have a guild mate that has the attunable stations in his home so I can just go there and relax.
mommadani907 wrote: »Best advice I can give you is find a guild that has all the set crafting tables in one location and just go there instead of running across the land to do master writs.
Damage between players is also cut in half, as is shield strength.
My damage looked the same to me.
Maybe between players it's like that - but when it comes to enemies it isn't. So basically I'm at half strength while fighting everything down there where as offensive builds who do not focus on healing skills aren't.
That's unfair in my book. And I wonder how offensive builds would enjoy having their damage slashed in half on everything they fight down there.
LiquidPony wrote: »Dude.
Go to your sewer base. Go to the ladders. Pick the ladder that leads up to the district that has your crafting station (Noble's Conquest: Noble's District; Redistributor: Arboretum District; Armor Master: Memorial District). Go up the ladder. Go to the crafting station. Craft your stuff. Delete this post.
There is absolutely no reason for you to be in the sewers fighting anything unless you want to be.
Alternatively, join a guild that has all the attunable crafting stations. Most large trading guilds offer this perk.
Drummerx04 wrote: »Damage between players is also cut in half, as is shield strength.
My damage looked the same to me.
Maybe between players it's like that - but when it comes to enemies it isn't. So basically I'm at half strength while fighting everything down there where as offensive builds who do not focus on healing skills aren't.
That's unfair in my book. And I wonder how offensive builds would enjoy having their damage slashed in half on everything they fight down there.
If damage was slashed in half, it would take me 4 seconds to kill all the mobs instead of 2. Actually, it would be like IC never got nerfed in the first place back when the mobs had double health from what they are now and I think extra damage, but it wouldn't make much of a difference either way.
But honestly, if healing was suddenly changed so it wasn't cut in half by battle spirit, PvP would be damn near impossible since one guy could stack springs and make himself and everyone around him almost unkillable. Even with healing cut in half, a good healer is absolutely noticeable in a fight on either side and a heal tank group is pretty much unkillable.
Like it or not, PvP is about killing people, so ZOS very pointedly and correctly believes that damage should be able to outpace healing on average (very obvious by the difference between the mechanics in healing AoE caps and DPS AoE caps).
Healers are still powerful, and good ones are always welcome in my group, but you are just going to have to accept reduced healing if you intend to PvP... which apparently you don't any more.
Drummerx04 wrote: »Damage between players is also cut in half, as is shield strength.
My damage looked the same to me.
Maybe between players it's like that - but when it comes to enemies it isn't. So basically I'm at half strength while fighting everything down there where as offensive builds who do not focus on healing skills aren't.
That's unfair in my book. And I wonder how offensive builds would enjoy having their damage slashed in half on everything they fight down there.
If damage was slashed in half, it would take me 4 seconds to kill all the mobs instead of 2. Actually, it would be like IC never got nerfed in the first place back when the mobs had double health from what they are now and I think extra damage, but it wouldn't make much of a difference either way.
But honestly, if healing was suddenly changed so it wasn't cut in half by battle spirit, PvP would be damn near impossible since one guy could stack springs and make himself and everyone around him almost unkillable. Even with healing cut in half, a good healer is absolutely noticeable in a fight on either side and a heal tank group is pretty much unkillable.
Like it or not, PvP is about killing people, so ZOS very pointedly and correctly believes that damage should be able to outpace healing on average (very obvious by the difference between the mechanics in healing AoE caps and DPS AoE caps).
Healers are still powerful, and good ones are always welcome in my group, but you are just going to have to accept reduced healing if you intend to PvP... which apparently you don't any more.
No. Like it or not slashing my healing abilities in half while leaving your offensive abilities the same is unfair. I doesn't matter how you try to justify it.
Yeah, I'm glad I don't have to do that any more (guild has every crafting station now). And I didn't know that you could cheese out of finding your way back by changing campaigns - that would have made it easier/faster!
Drummerx04 wrote: »Drummerx04 wrote: »Damage between players is also cut in half, as is shield strength.
My damage looked the same to me.
Maybe between players it's like that - but when it comes to enemies it isn't. So basically I'm at half strength while fighting everything down there where as offensive builds who do not focus on healing skills aren't.
That's unfair in my book. And I wonder how offensive builds would enjoy having their damage slashed in half on everything they fight down there.
If damage was slashed in half, it would take me 4 seconds to kill all the mobs instead of 2. Actually, it would be like IC never got nerfed in the first place back when the mobs had double health from what they are now and I think extra damage, but it wouldn't make much of a difference either way.
But honestly, if healing was suddenly changed so it wasn't cut in half by battle spirit, PvP would be damn near impossible since one guy could stack springs and make himself and everyone around him almost unkillable. Even with healing cut in half, a good healer is absolutely noticeable in a fight on either side and a heal tank group is pretty much unkillable.
Like it or not, PvP is about killing people, so ZOS very pointedly and correctly believes that damage should be able to outpace healing on average (very obvious by the difference between the mechanics in healing AoE caps and DPS AoE caps).
Healers are still powerful, and good ones are always welcome in my group, but you are just going to have to accept reduced healing if you intend to PvP... which apparently you don't any more.
No. Like it or not slashing my healing abilities in half while leaving your offensive abilities the same is unfair. I doesn't matter how you try to justify it.
So your opinion is the only one that matters and no amount of reasoning or discussion will lead you to believe that your position isn't perfect?
Okay then, have a good life.
Well you soloed a flag boss in the sewers and won, that's pretty damn impressive to me. Stay away from the bosses, find the crafting station on the city map, check what district and climb the right ladder. From there sneak to the crafting station.
Oh, and don't mind the "I one shoot everything in the game and it's not just my BiW build (best in world) but it's actually my skills and fast fingers...and muscle memory, I'm so good I'm marrying myself" ***. Their egos are so self inflated they talk with a helium voice....