.. I imagine they are not, within ESO.. I play many hardcore hours a week and report the leader of the Bot Army or one of the followers if I can catch em once or twice a week.
Eso is unable to tell me if they have delt with the issue or if it is not a big deal.
To those who don't know.. A bot army Consists of 1 real life person controlling 5+Accounts on 1 or more machines in front of him with an endless supply of junk food and Mtn dew to name a feww doo's...
Past two days I have seen 2 separate army's cross my path in grahtwood while I level. Though they consist far more than 5 non player playing Auto Follow accounts.. Like around 10. Running to each creature, Leader strikes with melee/spell and the following 10 bots are probably keybound or through some software like Isboxer to attack at same location.. Absolutely demoloshing anything in its path.
My question, Is this Machine Army part of the Clockwork DLC and does it entail with the actual story? Should I be rooting for the Machine or the actual character base of real persons?
Is this simply allowed or no? And most importantly, putting pinnapple on a pizza is a totally normal thing, and is not WEIRD at all.. ...
your weird... weirdo...
My reasons why I dislike this behavior and conduct on such a
BEAUTIFUL GAME. Is that it is such a beautiful game. I do not wish to have it monopolized or even semi controlled by botters/gold farmers etc.. Many MANY (sorry I shouted) games great games have fallen to oblivion(or is that up) because GMs and such were / not strict enough or simply didnt pay attention.. Oh no, they are more interested in cheerfully applying assistance to my ticket saying I can simply purchase race change for 1,000 Crowns because I grew to dislike my characters set voice at a late date in the level process..
Back in my day(Oh grandpa) Game Masters actually stood for the title.. They were Masters of the Game.. They could do anything, to anything to anyone whenever, wherever.. Im no Code Wizard. But what Makes a game Truly stand out and an actual masterpiece work of art like the early days of Everquest(which is going into its like 22nd year)...Drum roll...
Is Customer service!

and Going out of the way for the customer! Money is money but talking and resolving issues followed by have a great day is better!
All the MMO's I play I have noticed this trend, where yes the company has the tech to easily make an easy change such as changing set hairstyle on a persons Toon.. Yet they default and say... Oooo mmmm yeaahhh thats too bad, "I can understand this must be frustrating" - Go ahead and purchase a race change token from Lol Crown crate.. (lol hope you get it!!)
We are not made of money! Though money does in fact grow on tree's sense its paper..
Do you accept logs of.. rage wood?
The End.