The Undead Polymorph with the Zombie Personality? I sported one of those for a Halloween Event the Guild did. I liked it so much, it is now a permanent set up for that character.
But on other characters, nope.
Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.
PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"
I use them occasionally. I think using the basic skeleton on my tank was funny and had it equipped for a long time. Also, I use the WW lord on my WW. seemed appropriate. Overall though, I use skins and costumes more.
Still waiting for the Anka Ra one. Turned my character's clothes and skin into a stone statue but it kept her face and even turned her hat (the Jester crown) into a stony version. Quite unusual.
I sometimes throw on the gobbo disguise from time to time. If you could change the goblins armor and it's color, that would be fantastic. But of course, you can't, even though you can preview crown store motifs while being a goblin, and you will preview the armor on said goblin, and it fits perfectly fine......
I love costumes. Never encountered anything Polymorph in eso yet myself.. Though I have submitted suggestion to eso that I wish they would add to the crown store or quest reward/achieve "Peta-morph" wands for classes that have pets like the warden or sorcerer..
I cant stand the clannfear. I like the morph with the ability to heal, but the clannfear I feel is so stupid looking and not intimidating at all.. 0% cool. I stick with the scamp
Perfect example of ramble rant on..
Peta-morph wants to change the appearance of our pets, but not ability's or attack..
iv been a skeleton for so long i cant even remember what my toon looks like. it was only during the halloween event where the polymorph is different that i even remembered that character is argonian, cuz the halloween polymorph shows his tail. the skeleton doesnt.
Polymorphs have 0 customization so I'm not a fan of it...however are there any of you use them and pretend your character is a undead skeleton/ daedra / werewolf lord etc?
Never cared for them. Like the natural look of my characters better. I would never pay millions for a polymorph