Now that 3 of the 5 classes have pets can we have some control over them please!!
my bear is a *** idiot. he runs around , back and forth like an idiot.
we need better control to make them viable- and at least fun and challenging to use- set them to
attack an area- like an aoe- endless hail right click- block - then press the pet button
stay still - interrupt + pet button
attack a certain enemy - double tap and aim
follow our attacks. - so perhaps holding down the pet button
and if we want to turn it off- then let us turn it off- and have it in stupid mode as it is now
imagine being able to use our bear as a diversion- running it into a keep, while we flank from the other side. or having them lock down a portal in vMA or in trials have them set off as a sort of off tank, but having actual control over our sorc pets- or our nightblade shadow and our warden bear- would be freaking awesome and challenging.
what say you ZOS?