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Tail Armor?

This applies to Argonians more so than Khajiit since they have more prominent tails than the cat people. But feel free to discuss both races.
Since Argonians generally speaking have large fat tails sticking out from the back could we ever get something that acknowledges the tail that sticks out in the open?
Like this cinematic art work? Seems like a great opportunity for creativity. Especially for Argonian motifs.
  • Banana
    That thing goes on the grill
  • coop500
    I agree, tail armor would be cool, even the khajiit could use something like this, but I kinda doubt it will happen, elves are all the craze for some reason.
    Wishing for Lilmothiit race still! Or maybe Lilmothiit companion?
  • Jarryzzt
    One wonders how technically feasible this might be. One is not a 3D artist or anything of the sort, however - since a given piece of armor is supposed to "fit" the 3D models of any and all races, then wouldn't putting in something for the tail...I mean, either you have to draw extra textures for all the pants in the game just for the Argonians, or you'd have to devise 5-10 generic patterns to be displayed with various types of trousers resulting in complaints or mismatches...it just seems like an awful lot of effort viz. just having the tail dangle there by itself.

    But again, one is not a 3D artist or anything of the sort, so perhaps one could be completely off base here.
  • Ch4mpTW
    I personally think that is rather awesome. Hence the awesome I gave you. However, I kinda like having an unarmored tail sticking out of the back of both Argonians and Khajiits alike. After all, in most fictional worlds, animal people don’t usually cover their tails. This is because the tail is so sensitive, and is something that appears to need to be free.

    For example, have you ever seen what happens when Goku or Vegeta had their tail grabbed? They go nuts, and it causes an extreme amount of pain. The same can be said with animals even in non-fictional worlds. Such as our very own for example. If you’ve ever seen a cat or a dog get their tail grabbed or caught on something, the said animal usually will freak out.
  • TheShadowScout
    I remember reading this idea before... I'm still for it, at least for argonians with their nice thick lizard tails.
    Iccotak wrote: »
    Yeah, exactly like that. ;)

    Khajiit... well... their tails are much less meaty, slender and flexible... it would indicate armoring them may be a suboptimal solution, as their tail muscles could most likely not support armor weight on their tails...
    ...makes me wonder if there are Khajiit warriors who cut their tail to a stub just to deny opponents the chance to grab them there in a fight... that is the general idea why people mutilate poor guard dogs that way, right? Well, silly "breeding standards" aside I mean?
  • ArchMikem
    Banana wrote: »
    That thing goes on the grill

    Whenever any topic about the Beast Races starts, someone always has to bring in a racist remark, and lo and behold the very first reply is none other than...
    CP1,900+ Master Explorer - AvA One Star General - Console Peasant - The Clan
    Quest Objective: OMG Go Talk To That Kitty!
  • Imza
    I'd be more inclined to put a ball of spikes on the end of the tail... sorry no pics
  • mill1660
    Soul Shriven
    Hunting/pointing dogs have their tail docked so to avoid continually injuring it, with more deleterious results (infections). If you have ever hunted over a pointing dog in thick cover, you get the idea. The dog is so excited that they wag their tail like a nutjob for hours, and if it was full length it would hit brush/small Scrub trees until they wear the fur and skin off.
  • Dojohoda
    Looks nice!
    Fan of playing magblade since 2015. (PC NA)
    Might be joking in comments.
  • Undefwun
    Yeah sounds good... that albino tail poking out of black armor is bit unsightly...
    Drank Sinatra Sr - PvP Magblade - DC
    Juggathot - PvP Mag Sorc - DC
    Jedi Mind Crits - PvP A-Hole Bowblade - DC
    Dollar Store Thor - PvP Stamplar - DC
    The Bone Sumpremacy - baby Stamcro - DC
    Wârden Freeman - PvP Stamden - DC (on hold)
    Lauryn Heal - PvE Magplar DPS - DC

    Lil Orc Chop - PvP Stam Sorc - EP
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    Chandler Bling - PvP Magden - EP

    Mahalia Lightborn - exiled crafting toon - cos you know, she's AD
  • CardboardedBox
    I still want to be able to put aquatic fins on the tails.
  • Shanjijri
    ...makes me wonder if there are Khajiit warriors who cut their tail to a stub just to deny opponents the chance to grab them there in a fight...

    It's a great RP idea, but I also wonder if, like our kitties, their tails help them to keep their balances.
  • Kiyakotari
    Look up lizard autotomy. This makes tail armor make even more sense (if we assume that Argonians don't have a particular desire to be dropping their autonomously wiggling tails all over the place).
  • SturgeHammer
    It would probably be difficult for tail armor to be added to exsisting motifs, but I would definitely buy something like this as an accessory from the crown store. If it worked like a costume that can be equipped/removed from the collection menu that would be really nice.
    Edited by SturgeHammer on March 2, 2018 8:30PM
    First-in-Line - Swings-for-Lethal
    Green-Thumb - Scale-Factor
    Hist-Tree-Major - A-Late-One
    Needs-Some-Help - Dead-Last
  • dodgehopper_ESO
    Jarryzzt wrote: »
    One wonders how technically feasible this might be. One is not a 3D artist or anything of the sort, however - since a given piece of armor is supposed to "fit" the 3D models of any and all races, then wouldn't putting in something for the tail...I mean, either you have to draw extra textures for all the pants in the game just for the Argonians, or you'd have to devise 5-10 generic patterns to be displayed with various types of trousers resulting in complaints or mismatches...it just seems like an awful lot of effort viz. just having the tail dangle there by itself.

    But again, one is not a 3D artist or anything of the sort, so perhaps one could be completely off base here.

    Lets be serious. Most helmets look ridiculous on Argonians and Khajiit. Why not have something uniquely beneficial for Argonians?
    US/AD - Dodge Hopper - Vet Imperial Templar | US/AD - Goj-ei-Raj - Vet Argonian Nightblade
    US/AD - Arondonimo - Vet Altmer Sorcerer | US/AD - Azumarax - Vet Dunmer Dragon Knight
    US/AD - Barkan al-Sheharesh - Vet Redguard Dragon Knight | US/AD - Aelus Vortavoriil - Vet Altmer Templar
    US/AD - Shirari Qa'Dar - Vet Khajiit Nightblade | US/AD - Ndvari Mzunchvolenthumz - Vet Bosmer Nightblade
    US/EP - Yngmar - Vet Nord Dragon Knight | US/EP - Reloth Ur Fyr - Vet Dunmer Sorcerer
    US/DC - Muiredeach - Vet Breton Sorcerer | US/DC - Nachtrabe - Vet Orc Nightblade
    EU/DC - Dragol gro-Unglak - Vet Orc Dragon Knight | EU/DC - Targan al-Barkan - Vet Redguard Templar
    EU/DC - Wuthmir - Vet Nord Sorcerer | EU/DC - Kosh Ragotoro - Vet Khajiit Nightblade
    <And plenty more>
  • Resfeber
    Ah... nice to see another tail armor thread. Its been a while.
    Griffe wrote: »
    ...makes me wonder if there are Khajiit warriors who cut their tail to a stub just to deny opponents the chance to grab them there in a fight...

    It's a great RP idea, but I also wonder if, like our kitties, their tails help them to keep their balances.

    Good consideration. It doesn't seem to stop any real-world cats or dogs from adapting though, and Khajiit are bipedal enough that I can't imagine they'd really need any more balance than any other race.
    mill1660 wrote: »
    Hunting/pointing dogs have their tail docked so to avoid continually injuring it, with more deleterious results (infections). If you have ever hunted over a pointing dog in thick cover, you get the idea. The dog is so excited that they wag their tail like a nutjob for hours, and if it was full length it would hit brush/small Scrub trees until they wear the fur and skin off.

    Not surprised by that but interesting to hear. :) Have an insightful.

    With how much variety we already get with Khajiit races I'm surprised we don't at least have a naturally bobbed tail in character-building options. Or a fuzzy tail. Or thicker tails. They did work pretty hard on tails not looking like wagging boards (a la skyrim) though, so perhaps a bob variety never crossed their minds.
    Resfeber (n.): the restless race of the traveler's heart before the journey begins, when anxiety and anticipation are tangled together; a travel fever that can manifest as an illness.
    [Jan '14 Beta Tester]
  • DoctorESO
    Iccotak wrote: »
    This applies to Argonians more so than Khajiit since they have more prominent tails than the cat people. But feel free to discuss both races.
    Since Argonians generally speaking have large fat tails sticking out from the back could we ever get something that acknowledges the tail that sticks out in the open?
    Like this cinematic art work? Seems like a great opportunity for creativity. Especially for Argonian motifs.

    Do Argonian tails regenerate?

    I'm guessing Khajiit tails do not. But Argonians are reptiles.
  • WhitePawPrints
    I remember reading this idea before... I'm still for it, at least for argonians with their nice thick lizard tails.
    Iccotak wrote: »
    Yeah, exactly like that. ;)

    Khajiit... well... their tails are much less meaty, slender and flexible... it would indicate armoring them may be a suboptimal solution, as their tail muscles could most likely not support armor weight on their tails...
    ...makes me wonder if there are Khajiit warriors who cut their tail to a stub just to deny opponents the chance to grab them there in a fight... that is the general idea why people mutilate poor guard dogs that way, right? Well, silly "breeding standards" aside I mean?

    If someone tries to grab hold of this ones tail without permission then they may soon find a tail of a dagger hilt sprouting from their backside!

    I do believe I heard a rumor that some tail options have been datamined for crown store or crates but not sure the legitimacy of those rumors. Would be really nice I have!
    Edited by WhitePawPrints on March 3, 2018 7:01AM
  • TheShadowScout
    Griffe wrote: »
    ...makes me wonder if there are Khajiit warriors who cut their tail to a stub just to deny opponents the chance to grab them there in a fight...

    It's a great RP idea, but I also wonder if, like our kitties, their tails help them to keep their balances.
    Considering the difference in body to tail ratio between kittens and khajiit, I would be guessing... not.

    It likely still would be quite uncomfortable for a Khajiit to suddenly miss their tail, but I kinda cannot see that -not- happening for a veteran warrior sooner or later, on a battlefield, someone would eventually get a tail-chop in, yes?. (reminds me of "Andromeda" where they had Trance Gemini with a tail, but it eventually got shot off as she got into more fights... though I am guessing because it proved to be a pain in the b... a-hem! Any way, a difficulty for the actress and crew to get right most of the time)

    And it would make sense for khajiit following the warrior path to take measures to make it less of a vulvnerability in combat, much like other warriors in history have gotten their hair out of the way and such. Or those tales about the amazons and what they did when they noticed their breasts threatened to impede their archery...
    DoctorESO wrote: »
    Do Argonian tails regenerate?

    I'm guessing Khajiit tails do not. But Argonians are reptiles.
    Probably not. Argonians are more "dinosaur" then "grass lizard", so I would be guessing that's a "nope"

    More interestingly - would healing spells regenerate lost body parts? If so, that -would- count as plausibe explaination why we see no one-armed beggars, peg-leg pirates or stumpy-tailed khajiit...
    If someone tries to grab hold of this ones tail without permission then they may soon find a tail of a dagger hilt sprouting from their backside!
    ...unless they get that grab-on combat advantage to chop off the Khajiits head before that can happen, right?

    Still, a good enough warrior could allow themselves such vanity, much like redguard swordsmasters having a grab-able beard, and may be just waiting for an opponent to try and grab it so they can chop their hand off. Kinda like an obvious weak point to invite an overextending attack...

    But not all khajiit are that good, right?
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