@SecretAtoz wtf did i just watch!? that.. i don't know what that man is on about.
Shadow-Fighter wrote: »
@SecretAtoz wtf did i just watch!? that.. i don't know what that man is on about
@PS4_ZeColmeia I'm going to take a wild guess and assume you're not playing on the PC/NA server
Sorry, I only play on the one so can't give rewards.
@SantieClaws (despite being a community ambassador, and also totally OP irresistible)
You all win!
Also, @Shadow-Fighter you win, too, because I cannot deny the sheer amount of 1337 attempts
Please PM me your in-game @names and temper preferences (it can be a mix and match of tempering alloys, kutas, rosin and dreugh wax however you'd like it parceled out and I'll mail them tonight).
Also, thanks for playing and serendipitously celebrating Ms. Bruno's 10th anniversary!
P.S. @AarDoTaazokaan you appear not to be on PC/NA, I just tried to contact you.
SantieClaws wrote: »@runagate
Bless you traveller. Khajiit was participating for the joy of it and not any prize. This one is based in EU Tamriel.
So please instead give the loot to any low level Khajiit you meet on your travels who looks like they may be in need of a Fishmas gift.
Yours with paws
Santie Claws
SantieClaws wrote: »@runagate
Bless you traveller. Khajiit was participating for the joy of it and not any prize. This one is based in EU Tamriel.
So please instead give the loot to any low level Khajiit you meet on your travels who looks like they may be in need of a Fishmas gift.
Yours with paws
Santie Claws
@Humperdoo I sent you 8 tempering alloy and 8 dreugh wax cuz I netted a bunch extra today right when you happened to message me. I hope that @name was right ;-)