Randomized weekly dungeon challenges idea

Hi guys. I saw "mutation" game mod in starcraft2 and it gave me a idea.

There are normal scenarios in the SC2 but they get repetitive so their developers implement unique buffs to enemies. Explode upon death, perma stealth, spawn units upon death etc. These make a challenge and our game lack repeatable end game pve content. 4 man content is trivial compared to dlc vTrials.

I want to give another example from PvE game. Path of exile is %99,99 pve game. It gets repetitive so they put randomly generated dungeons with special buffs and debuffs to mobs and player. They succeded.

2 dungeons per week will be buffed and players in it will nerfed. Special mobs will spawn. This new content targets end game try harder pve players so they wont leave the game. There will be "normal" version for casuals.

Buff may be dungeon wide or mob spesific. 1 strong mob can lead others with special buff for example. I ll give examples for buffs: vicious death, revive once, immune dmg untill minions die, immune dmg untill summoner dies, immune/resist fire/aoe/dot dmg, have dot/buff/debuff aura, perma block, perma stealth, unblockable, spawn unit after death, have a major/minor buff permenantly, give 5pc set bonuses to mobs, snared in combat(on player), rune traps every where, periodicly targeted meteors/lighnings etc.

These mechanics can be OP if placed badly but with little tweak computer can choose them. Players will know what to face before they enter, they will get ready for diffrent dungeons every week.

These will force players to use diffrent morps/sets. If dungeon is swarmed with vicious skeleton mobs, circle of protection with fear morp will be good. You will need reveal for stealthed/invises. You need extra heal sets vs dot auras. Combination of combat snare+meteors will force you to use shuffle or a gap closer to random mob. Possibilities are infinite.

Rewards will be decided by developers but pvp give more shards so this new content can balance that :). They must put leader boards. If implementing this is hard for dungeons, making vMA kind of enviroment is a option too.

Copy pasting from other games is not as bad as it sounds. After 2 weeks, everyone will forgot it. Tried and well known systems are better than new and bad ones. What do you think about this?
  • skinnycheeks
    I dig it. Would be awesome to see a new twist on some of these old dungeons.
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