For Templar, jabs is buffed by Master of Arms. So is eclipse. Both vastly different spells, yet because jabs does an extra buff on single target while eclipse you have to use on one player before you get the AOE dmg means the spells are benefit from Master of Arms.
on a whim I just did a quick search and found this. don't know if it helps but one response said they did PTS test it at leastFor Templar, jabs is buffed by Master of Arms. So is eclipse. Both vastly different spells, yet because jabs does an extra buff on single target while eclipse you have to use on one player before you get the AOE dmg means the spells are benefit from Master of Arms.
Yeah I don't know there were a lot of other discussions about "direct damage" and the DOT difference depending on what part of the skill was being applied at the time, that have rolled around since the patch. Baah that isn't what I thot it was sorry
And is this you on Reddit as well?
Sorry, just offering possible threads for review, I read some of it and not sure I understand it like the experts.