See friends on Map

I think it would be great if we could see our friends and/or guildmates (guildmates probably too much) marked on the map (especially useful with minimaps). Probably just limited to the zone we are in.

I've always felt bothered by this but never seen a thread asking for it before.
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  • Slick_007
    this would kind of defeat part of the reason groups exist.
  • MrGraves
    I think I prefer just keeping it to groups. I don't want my exact location being broad casted to everyone I'm friends with, or worse, in guild with. Groups can get pretty big as it is so I don't see why not just use that for when you do want to see where people are. no sense and making sure people can follow you and bug you everywhere you go when you don't feel like it.
  • cjhhickman39
    This would have to be off for cyrodiil spy’s are bad enough as is but give them a location map
  • Morgul667
    Would be fun but to be switched off in cyrodill

    Man im amazed by those cyrodill spies who try to change the course of a campaign so their friend can get an achievement.
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