I'm curious as to why ZOS would introduce so many styles -- which become relatively useless at CP160 -- and so few costumes -- which are nearly required at high levels?
Most players at CP160 or higher are wearing 3 different armor sets: 5x of one set, 5x of another, and 1-2x of a Monster set. At least two of those sets are usually drops (dungeon or trial + monster) and often all 3 are drops. With a miss-match of three different armor sets, all with fixed styles, the average CP160 or greater character looks horrible without donning a costume. Yet every DLC and every expansion, we see more and more styles being added to the game and too few costumes.
Shouldn't ZOS be focused more on costumes OR the ability to change styles? I see very few CP160 or higher players not wearing a custom -- if only to cover up those absurd monster sets.