Forced Log out (Tab)

Hello everyone , how is the battle going?

Ok, so, Forced Log out.

What I mean is this, I will Alt+Tab out of ESO and check something on the internet, now people tell me they're AFK for a long time and don't get logged out automatically because they tabed out, well ok......ummm, I do the same thing and yet ESO still logs me off of my character. And I need to log back in.

Is there a setting to prevent this? I mean if the idle time to force you out is 5 minutes, I'm sorry even watching a youtube video eso related is longer than that most times. What can be done to prevent this force out?

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  • TheUndeadAmulet
    Go into ESO every 4 minutes and run around like a headless chicken for 5 secs. Then proceed to do whatever you were doing.
    Edited by TheUndeadAmulet on November 4, 2017 1:13AM
    XBOX NA 1000+ CP
    PC NA 400+ CP
    nerf ping please
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