I've spent a good while thinking of how this Skill Line could work out. Apologies for the essay but I have gone into some depth so please don't stop reading, it gets more exciting I promise.
I am aware that some aspects might be considered OP, or the idea may not work due to a reason that hasn't crossed my mind yet, or that this may never happen at all. I just got excited and I was really imagining this in a Cyrodiil environment and I genuinely thought it would be amazing. Of course some skill ideas I have come up with may be unbalanced and again OP or whatever, but I have really tried to create this idea with everyone's best interests in mind, purely to create some excitement and spark some imagination. Please try and imagine this in a Cyrodiil battle between 2 alliances and how you can see these skills working
There are some rules quickly: (Ive tried my hardest not to miss any out)
- Only Horsemanship Skills can be used on a mount.
- Skills must be slotted in your ability bar.
- Skills consume your mounts stamina not your character's stamina.
- Any other skill cannot be used while on your mount, but can still be slotted if you wish.
- You can only do light and heavy attacks on your mount.
- Buffing up before mounting does not increase any Horsemanship Skills or affect your mount. Buffs only affect your character. The effect of the buff remains until it ends. Cannot buff while mounted.
- Your character can receive heals and buffs from other players who are on foot. Your mount cannot.
- Any weapon can be equipped to use Horsemanship Skills.
- Can only perform light and heavy attacks with equipped weapons.
- Cannot block while mounted.
- Cannot mount while in combat.
- Once your mounts stamina is depleted, you fall off.
ACTIVE SKILLS that work only when riding a mount. Skills would consume mount stamina.
-Charge skill that tramples enemies and deals x damage. (morphs that increase damage the longer you charge (Biding Charge) or knock back (Trample) )
-Buck skill that allows your mount to deal x AoE damage to surrounding enemies for x seconds. (morphs that disorientate for x seconds (Bewilderment) or deal more damage (Frenzied Beast) ) Skill must commit until effect ends, unless knocked off mount. Cannot cancel.
-Rearing skill that bolsters defence so that you wont get knocked off as quickly. (morphs could further increase defence (Courage) or also Generate x Ultimate over x seconds (Adrenaline) )
-Spear Throw skill where you throw a spear at an enemy to knock back dealing x damage and it inflicts major fracture for x seconds. (morphs could cause bleed (Splintering Spear) or ignore or destroy any damage shields currently active if hit (Piercing Spear) )
-Banner skill where your character summons an ethereal banner and holds it high into the air for x seconds. Players on foot within its radius receive x health recovery. (morphs could also add increased stamina recovery (Invigorating Banner) or increased magicka recovery (Mystic Banner) ) Skill must commit until effect ends, unless knocked off mount. Cannot cancel.
-Stampede Ultimate where summon a barrage spectral horses from behind that leap and charge towards your enemies in a cone area and explode dealing x damage over x seconds. morphs could cause fear (Fear the Beast) or increased duration (Neverending Stampede)
PASSIVE SKILLS that work only when riding a mount.
-Band or Herd passive where being in a group with x amount of people reduces stamina consumption when using skills by x amount (max 12 or more?)
-Stalwart passive where your mount loses less stamina when attacked by x%
-Warhorse passive where your Horsemanship skills damage is increased by x%
-Friendship Bond passive where falling from your mount increases your characters physical and spell resistance by x amount for x seconds. Or grant damage shield that absorbs x damage when falling.
Of course the only other issue is the different types of mounts and how the skills would work on others, and getting the animations for all the different types of mounts would be inconvenient and probably one of the main reasons why this may not ever be a feature. UNLESS ZOS RELEASE A SPECIAL WAR HORSE MOUNT THAT ALLOWS THIS. This Warhorse would contain all of the riding upgrades your normal mount has received.
@ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_KaiSchober @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_GaryA @ZOS_TristanK
(The reason I have tagged you guys is so that I know you've seen this, JUST INCASE the idea gets passed on and becomes a thing. One can dream.)
Thankyou for taking the time to read this. I would appreciate any feedback and constructive criticism. Please keep it friendly, and I look forward to hearing your thoughts. Also, I think ZOS should create an Ideas and Requests discussion page.