Sorry for opening anohter topic, but this time there is a sirius bug going on in every dungeons including veteran and normal difficulity.
every door is basicly bugged, reloging, or hiding, or reloading ui dose not help att all.
even putting away weapons dosent helps too.
The problem is the doors cannot be opend (no before some one say there is no ongoing combat in this cases.)
we have tried everything and basicly we had to leav the dungeons, well if you want direct description here you are: every instances wich have doors to interact with in the game.
It ruins everything and needs to be investigated by the devs. Thise issues are on mostly in EU mega server side i am not sure about N/A.
But this is definetly needs to be fixed fast.
I am quiet sure you will reciev enough feedback on this matter. including in game or here on the forums as well.
Kindly reguards.
GM Of The Lusty Argonian ERP
GM Of THe Alessia Dynasty PVP Guild
GM Of The Guardians Of MiddleEarth