Here's an idea, instead of posting your youtube garbage to earn ad revenue why don't you just post a paragraph with the fps results and CPU utilization.
"CPU limited" can mean two things. The CPUs are doing too much work or they aren't doing enough work.JasonSilverSpring wrote: »I think the point is that ESO is CPU limited and performance is similar despite resolution when CPU limited in populated areas.
"CPU limited" can mean two things. The CPUs are doing too much work or they aren't doing enough work.JasonSilverSpring wrote: »I think the point is that ESO is CPU limited and performance is similar despite resolution when CPU limited in populated areas.
His video does not show either of those scenarios ...
JasonSilverSpring wrote: »"CPU limited" can mean two things. The CPUs are doing too much work or they aren't doing enough work.JasonSilverSpring wrote: »I think the point is that ESO is CPU limited and performance is similar despite resolution when CPU limited in populated areas.
His video does not show either of those scenarios ...
I admit to watching the video on my phone with no audio, but it looked to me that his frame rate was basically the same at 720p up to at least 1440p. And in all cases he was not reaching the max 100 fps. That to me clearly shows that in populated areas the performance is limited by CPU rather than GPU.
It might have also demonstrated that the while the game does have multiple threads it heavily relies on one. The better single core performance you have the better the game will run in those populated areas.