The Writer's Home, a custom halloween home.

Greetings and salutations~!

I've made my Domus Phrasticus into a halloween home, for my social guild's Hallowe'en event! Seeing how it was well received, I figured I'd share it on here as well.
Here's a little introduction/backstory:
"The Domus Phrasticus is named after the famed writer Phrastus, who abandoned this old home after a terrific cave-in ruined most of it. Between the cave-in and present day, multiple inhabitants have used this home, some more above-ground than others. For instance, it used to be a Brotherhood safe house for a while, before I...scared them; I do appreciate their prep work though. It gives me a nice workspace to keep writing, as well as an interesting decor... I don't really care for who wanders outside, although I sometimes have guests over, which often make a great feast after a prolonged period of writing... ~Signed, the Eternal Writer"

Due to the amount of pictures, I've posted them in the imgur album below:

Here are some teaser shots:

Due to how low the item limits are (400, Q_Q), a significant area needed to be blocked off to achieve the detailing I'd want to do... or the amount of rocks/stones/trees I wanted to place...They take up over half the item slots! HomesteadOCD (shameless addon plug) was a lifesaver in placing many of them, as well as many of the indoor decorations. I'd never have thought I'd use an Excel sheet to decorate/design a home...

Hope you enjoy~! Shoutout to my social guild (Alith Legion) for having this guild event, it gave me a few solid weeks of decorating/joyful playtime :D I've spent way too many hours on it, constantly changing things, adding tidbits.. Overall time spent would be 1-2 hours daily, for the better part of two weeks.
A man walks into a zoo. The only animal in the entire zoo is a dog.
It's a Shih Tzu.

Officer of Tamriel Marketeers, part of TTU.
Proud member of Alith
  • Trepis26
    Thanks for sharing, that's is an outstanding amount of creativity and work.
    take care
  • Storymaster
    Thanks for sharing this, @Zaaroc Outstanding job and detail!

    Character Profiles:
    Puck Tanglevine - Bosmer Nightblade
    Cyron Kane - Imperial Dragonknight (Retired)
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