Night & Day

Since player houses have their own instance it should be possible to enable the ability to set time of day in your own house. Would you like to have this ability? Please note that this poll only applies to you if you use player housing to begin with. Thank you.
Edited by MornaBaine on October 28, 2017 1:36PM
PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

Night & Day 64 votes

Yes. ZOS please give us a day/night toggle for use inside player housing instances.
laurajfdeepseamk20b14_ESOKilandrosMithoronKharnisstarlizard70ub17_ESOOmniDoDarkhorse1975DreepaMornaBaineJaeysaSengraDieAlteHexepaulsimonpsZolronCillion3117yRavenApheriusAdamskiAldersaltemriel 53 votes
No. I would not use this feature.
wenchmore420b14_ESOTurelusDarkstorneStreegaAdernathADarkloreSGT_Wolfe101stRadinynSkanderShamus44supaskrub 11 votes
  • ecru
    Yes. ZOS please give us a day/night toggle for use inside player housing instances.
    I'd really like this option, or the ability to place an item that changes the skybox to a zone of your choosing, with an option to select the time of day or night. One of the reasons I haven't bought a house yet is because I can't control the day/night cycle like in other games with housing.
    Gryphon Heart
  • Greifenherz
    Yes. ZOS please give us a day/night toggle for use inside player housing instances.
    I'd also like to set the BGM. Some randomly playing songs just really don't fit to the theme of your house.
  • MornaBaine
    Yes. ZOS please give us a day/night toggle for use inside player housing instances.
    I'd also like to set the BGM. Some randomly playing songs just really don't fit to the theme of your house.

    This is why I turn the music off actually even though I like a lot of it. Being able to set the ambience of your own house would be a huge boon. I also REALLLLLLY want a bard as a place-able in housing. And I want to have the ability to choose to have them NOT sing and just play instrumentals. However, since all music is client side this also really limits its utility. I hate that currently if you and a bunch of friends are in a tavern, odds are you're all hearing a different song.

    Ditto with weather. My husband and I have side by side rigs and we've had our characters standing next to each other...and for me it's raining and for him it's a sunny day. So add setting WEATHER as a toggle I'd like to have available in player housing as well!
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • Aurie
    Yes. ZOS please give us a day/night toggle for use inside player housing instances.
    I voted for yes please (as you can see), but there is just one issue.

    It's not simply a matter of night or day in Tamriel, but also degrees of daylight and quality of light. For instance early morning light is very different from light at other times of the day.

    I don't know how they would be able to do this with just an on/off toggle. Maybe it would be possible to have a 24h clock and trigger your chosen time.

    What do you think @ZOS_GinaBruno ?
  • MornaBaine
    Yes. ZOS please give us a day/night toggle for use inside player housing instances.
    Aurelle1 wrote: »
    I voted for yes please (as you can see), but there is just one issue.

    It's not simply a matter of night or day in Tamriel, but also degrees of daylight and quality of light. For instance early morning light is very different from light at other times of the day.

    I don't know how they would be able to do this with just an on/off toggle. Maybe it would be possible to have a 24h clock and trigger your chosen time.

    What do you think @ZOS_GinaBruno ?

    This would certainly be ideal, to be able to even have a choice of dawn/day/dusk/night would be pretty close to perfect. I was just trying to keep it simple.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • BleuZephyr
    Yes. ZOS please give us a day/night toggle for use inside player housing instances.
    yes plz with a 24 hour clock setting if possible
  • Storymaster
    Yes. ZOS please give us a day/night toggle for use inside player housing instances.
    Character Profiles:
    Puck Tanglevine - Bosmer Nightblade
    Cyron Kane - Imperial Dragonknight (Retired)
  • MornaBaine
    Yes. ZOS please give us a day/night toggle for use inside player housing instances.
    @ZOS_GinaBruno is there any chance we might be able to have this some day???
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • altemriel
    Yes. ZOS please give us a day/night toggle for use inside player housing instances.
    MornaBaine wrote: »
    Since player houses have their own instance it should be possible to enable the ability to set time of day in your own house. Would you like to have this ability? Please note that this poll only applies to you if you use player housing to begin with. Thank you.

    that would be really nice, to check out starts and moons and aurora in my house, a night party!!


    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_RichLambert @ZOS_KaiSchober @ZOS_JessicaFolsom
  • KeiruNicrom
    Yes. ZOS please give us a day/night toggle for use inside player housing instances.
    Yes. But moreso weather. I dont want to RP and mention a bright sunny day while others see rain and storm clouds
  • MornaBaine
    Yes. ZOS please give us a day/night toggle for use inside player housing instances.
    Yes. But moreso weather. I dont want to RP and mention a bright sunny day while others see rain and storm clouds

    Yeah client side weather was a HUGE fail on ZOS' part. SIGH. :neutral: But since it IS client side it would probably be more involved to allow players to have a weather setting that would be persistent and have everyone in the house see the same weather. I'm sure it can be done but I have little hope for such a feature.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • Storymaster
    Yes. ZOS please give us a day/night toggle for use inside player housing instances.
    All I could think of when I saw the title of the thread:
    Character Profiles:
    Puck Tanglevine - Bosmer Nightblade
    Cyron Kane - Imperial Dragonknight (Retired)
  • Turelus
    No. I would not use this feature.
    I voted no as I wouldn't use the feature myself, but I also wouldn't throw a tantrum of it was added.

    Kind of indifferent to it I guess.
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • starlizard70ub17_ESO
    Yes. ZOS please give us a day/night toggle for use inside player housing instances.
    I voted yes. Even though I wouldn't bother with it, I can't a reason not allowing other this option if they wish.
    "We have found a cave, but I don't think there are warm fires and friendly faces inside."
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