New Avatars or New Upload function

Hello everyone @eso forums, and ZoS.

So, I really like my current avatar since I'm a huge LORD DAGON fan, but ........ I'm also a fan of my favorite (and only main protagonist) character, I've been playing (RPG) as this character for many years now and I kind of like to now have the ability to upload an image to use as my eso forum Avatar.

I'm sorry if this is not the board to discuss user account issues but I really couldn't figure out where and or how to address this. If anything, can we present ZoS with images that could be used in the known list of choice avatars now so we can later go in, edit and use them?

This is the image I would like to use as my personal ZoS-eso forum user account avatar, it's of my main character.

Thank you: see image =
Those in power only have the illusion they are powerful, however in reality, those in power are only so because we allow them to be.

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  • Stania
    As far I know, only Community Ambassadors are able to have custom avatars, and they have to be previously approved and uploaded by ZoS.
    Apparently, this limitation exist to avoid additional moderation work.
    Two users were able to use a bug in early versions of the website, and are (or were) the only ones besides Ambassadors to have their own images.
    Edited by Stania on October 26, 2017 4:54PM
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    <List of characters that no one cares to know with their classes and roles>

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  • Runschei
    As much as I support the idea I also see all the work zos would have to put into possible censorship and/or approvement of several thousand users :L
  • ThePrinceOfBargains
    It’s the ridiculously lazy, short-sighted solution for stopping inappropriate profile pictures. I mean seriously, there’s a report function. Someone reports the inappropriate picture and it’s dealt with the same way an inappropriate forum post is. This is already a private forum, so the worst of the internet is blocked off to begin with.
  • chaz
    Well, being an Ambassador sounds like it will take me forever to reach since I don't really post much. Only when I have something to say or wish to join in with the community fun. As far as images, mine is of an elder scrolls character anyway, and I don't mind sharing it, can't I just make an appeal to someone at ZoS that can look into possibly just adding that image for me and others to use if they wish? It's not like I'm / we're (as far as I know) asking to upload inappropriate images of slang, nudity, racism, anti religion, post religion, pre religion, hate campaign slogans or worse, the face of someones mother in law.

    I just like to have an image of my long time character that I've RPG'd with for GAWD knows how many years now.

    But I suppose what you also said is true, the forums leaders rather just have a total control gate for zero tolerance in defacing the boards with things that will upset people or spark uncontrolled threads about it.
    Those in power only have the illusion they are powerful, however in reality, those in power are only so because we allow them to be.

    ESO Beta Test Ultimate Question for control!
    Lord Dagon's Mythic Dawn Guild is now recruiting. Dailies, trials, Raids, Fun, Discord (required for staying on Crown), guild bank and so much more. Msg me or mail me in game @Chaz for invite. **See Link Here** ElderScrollsOnlineYouTube

    ElderScrollsOnline Purchase History April 17, 2017 through May 30th 2022 (Crowns,Upgrades, ESO Plus) = $5,610.38
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