Specifically tested this with the Frozen Device morph.
Step 1: Drop Portal (a)
Step 2: Drop Portal (b)
Step 3: Drop Portal (c)
Step 4: Drop Portal (d)
Expected behavior is that when you place the fourth portal (d), then portal (a) should disappear. What is happening is that when portal (d) is placed, the previous portal (c) is removed and the 2 initial portals remain.
Why this is happening (you can take this direct to the software engineers), is that the portals are being stored in a stack (First In Last Out), where this should be stored in a Queue (First In First Out). This should be a relatively straight forward fix, so please don't let this sit too long. With 3 portals the warden is realistically viable for end game tanking, but the portals must function as a queue, otherwise a bad placement on either of the first two will negate them for 30 seconds.
Edit: For clarification, this is on PCNA and I tested this on 2017.10.25 at around 11 PM CDT.
Edited by dirtykdx on October 26, 2017 5:38PM @dirtykdx PC NA
[The Shogunate]
/taunt doesn't work on bosses