I've never tried PVP in ESO. I plan on committing to it at a later date but I'm still very much engaged in vet PVE content so I'm waiting for that interest to wane before I jump into PVP.
But I do want one thing out of PVP immediate -- the same thing everyone wants: Vigor. With no experience or guidance, I head to Cyrodill.
I port in and look at the map. I port to the furthest keep I can see and start walking around the place. After about 2 minutes, I hear crashing sounds and see flashes near the main door. Looks like someone's trying to break in. Eventually a group of 6 players break through. They run to an inner door and start bashing on that. They break through and take the keep.
Outside the now-captured keep, I see a lone player on a horse, probably AFK. I attack, killing the player, and then get killed by the players who destroyed the door. I head back to Mournhold. There's an email waiting for me with 5 transmutation crystals in it.
Total time in Cyrodill, 10 minutes. One Kill, 5 transmutation crystals. Not a bad day