Looking for a guild

I've been reading the forums for some time now... :)

I am "somewhat new player"... and by "somewhat" I mean I am not a professional one (Redguard Stam DPS, 266 champion level. Additional role: master clothier and vampire breeder ;P) I play for fun but regularly... NOT to fulfill my life purpose here. ;)
And I am looking for a laidback trading/crafting/PvE/PVP guild - the guild consisting of laid-back players!

There's this guild established in Wayrest (Stormhaven) called "Always affordable items" from which I bought stuff many times. I'd love to join a similar one? I couldn't find them on here. Do they still recruit?
I like that they don't price their items insanely high (really, some of the prices are so high that I literally spit drink on my keyboard laughing too hard). I am not a greedy person and play for fun so, I'd like to contribute to this "trend".

my user id in eso @duendology
- Redguard StamBlade dps ["bowtard" crafty girl who likes spinning with daggers too.]
- Breton SorcMag dps [She's got an identity crisis, but I believe in her.]
- Dunmer Templar dps/healer [she's a healer, then again she likes inferno staff too...]
- High Elf SorcMag dps [It's quite possible his daddy was a Nord.]

I am an old-fashioned Goth
  • felicityslaughter
    HI! I see it's been awhile since you posted, but in case you are still looking for such a guild, I think Golden Light would be the perfect fit for you! We hold weekly events, have a discord and a facebook page, and accept all players from new to veteran and everything in between! We even hold a weekly auction, and we have a guild trader stocked up with good deals! Everyone is very laid back and friendly, and very social. We are like one big family! If you'd like an invite you can send me a PM saying that you'd like an invite, my ingame is @felicityslaughter :smile:
    Hello, my name is Felicity, and I'm an ALT-a-holic.
  • Draughluin1025
    Greetings and salutations! Deviant Revelations is a tight knit community of players that meet and socialize on a weekly basis. We have great people in our guild who don't discriminate based on race, political opinion, religious views, you name it. We do not have an in-game attendance or character level requirement. Our sole aim to help one another achieve their in-game goals and have fun along the way. After all, a rising tide lifts all boats!

    Our guild is full of knowledgeable officers, helpful and humorous raid leaders, and supportive members. Members range from the East Coast to Oceanic time zones, with others sprinkled in between. We welcome new and returning players to the game, and are happy to help them with build discussions, crafting, and content completion.

    We are primarily a PVE guild, though we do occasionally venture into Cyrodiil when we're feeling frisky. We have weekly events that are regularly attended as well as weekly trial runs. All of our events, guild rules, and even some fun and informative forum posts can be found on our website. Furthermore, we have a Discord server for voice and text chat which tends to become very active after 8pm EST, and offers some entertaining text during the work day. If you are interested in joining our ranks, please check out our guild website below and fulfill an application. Once approved, you will be given an invitation in game within 24 hours.

    Into the fray once more, for guild, gold, and glory!
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