"10 - Dynamo core - Bthzark (Stros M'kai) - Requires "Buried Secrets" quest, which is acquireable both outside and inside the delve"
Great, so if we've already done the Stros M'kai quests years ago then we can't complete the item/achievement?
**Confirmed, Bug on PS4** ,
I came here looking for an answer & only then found out too late . .
I got it started, went to "Zanon", talked to the Head . .
Then went out and found the parts, went back, talked to him, he just said "Go find the parts" still .
Talked to the head, installed the parts, looks done on the wall/machine where you put it together ..
I cannot get Zanon to go forward and give me the next step , "The Oscillating Son" !
Please help or find fix So I can complete this, Thank You !
I went back, logged out (Multiple times) & tried switching characters, nothing.
Then I went talked to Zanon & the Precursor again...
The Precursor kept saying something about the "Table in Stros M'Kai ",
So I went back to Bthzark to where the item was, not there, did this 3 times. . .
On the 3rd try even though I'd already found & placed it, this item was back !!
I picked it up again, went back it then allowed it to progress to the next step !
So, while still "bugged" as far as function, it is able to be completed . .
Hope this helps ! Cheers !
@ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_Jessica@ZOS_JessicaFolsom
I have done the Main Quest on a different Char and cant enter it[*] 13 - Integral of reason - Machine District (Clockwork City) - Requires "Lost in the Gloam" quest, which is the 5th main story quest
MorganaLaVey wrote: »I have done the Main Quest on a different Char and cant enter it
I will destroy all the Parts i got so far and finally Delete this Game. (maybe some day) collect them with my other Char...
GG ZOS you got me again