I can't edit the Message of the Day

Soul Shriven
4 days ago i was able to edit the Message of the Day. I am a lieutenant in my Guild, Blackheart Squadron, and I have the authority to edit the MOTD. After writing to ZOS, they told me the permissions had probably changed and there was nothing they could do until the GM returned. Then i got to wondering--if the GM had not logged in for the last 3 weeks, then how did the permissions change? I wrote to ZOS again and they said it might be an interface problem. They suggested I run the repair option, close any addons and run the repair option again. That didn't work. I wrote to ZOS again. They said that the GM only could make changes to the MOTD. I wrote to ZOS again and reminded them that I had the authority to make changes and in fact had already done so a few days ago. Wrote to ZOS AGAIN.They said there was nothing they could do for me until the GM returns and if I felt it was a bug I should use the ingame interface called /bug and create a ticket. I tried that. The game would not let me submit a ticket that way. Finally the good folks at ZOS referred me here. So I can't edit the MOTD. I can write a few letters and then it stops. NO reason, no interface problem, no explanation of any kind. I'm running ESO on an Inspiron 580 using Windows 10. The game works fine and as i said I was able to do this a few days ago. Can you help, please?

Best Answer

  • rochellec_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Thank you so much for solving this for me!
    Answer ✓
  • sdtlc
    You can't edit but you can write a few letters?

    If you can write a few letters then it stops, you probably hit a character limit.
    Die Qualität verhält sich nicht zwingend proportional zur Masse...

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    +Kaiserstadt, Wrothgar, Hew's Fluch, Goldküste, Vvardenfell, Stadt der Uhrwerke, Sommersend, Artaeum, Trübmoor, Elsweyr (nördliches & südliches), Graumoor, Reik, Dunkelforst

    [PC][DC]Zunft der Helden[PvX]
    Feierabendgilde mit Ambitionen
  • rochellec_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    a character limit of 10? that's real helpful. no one writes a letter with 10 characters. I sorry I did n't make myself clear.
  • rochellec_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    a character limit of 10? that's real helpful. no one writes a letter with 10 characters. I sorry I did n't make myself clear.
  • sdtlc
    Should defenetly be more, maybe check all on the bottom, some addons use the motd to store data.
    Die Qualität verhält sich nicht zwingend proportional zur Masse...

    Meisterangler vor dem perfekten Rogen...
    +Kaiserstadt, Wrothgar, Hew's Fluch, Goldküste, Vvardenfell, Stadt der Uhrwerke, Sommersend, Artaeum, Trübmoor, Elsweyr (nördliches & südliches), Graumoor, Reik, Dunkelforst

    [PC][DC]Zunft der Helden[PvX]
    Feierabendgilde mit Ambitionen
  • rochellec_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    This has not yet occurred to anyone that we might have reached our limit on what is allowed in that box. When I have access to the game again, I will check it. Thank you.
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