Colecovision wrote: »I can't seem to get a recipe from pickpocketing. I'm a kajit vampire with all the skills and steal every night. I can't figure it out. My overall RNG in the game seems fine, but it's still odd that I can't land anything this way.
@Colecovision are you pickpocketing 3 times on the same person? Or pick, pick, murder? The rare stuff usually only drops on the final item before the Npc is empty
Some should make an drop logger like the one for crown crates.
That theory does get floated around quite a bit but I don't think it is true. I know for me personally it isn't true. The last bubbler recipe I got was on the very first pick (first NPC first attempt) with a new character. I've kept track of all the wanted posters I get and the distribution is fairly evenly split. I got two Telivani motifs last night one on the first pick and one on the 2nd pick. I've been getting furniture again scattered through all three picks.
It is best to hit each NPC three times so that you get three chances but in my experience third pick/stab isn't any more likely to give a good item than the first pick.
What is this ungodly obsession with this single furnishing anyway? Do you all think you'll gain 100 Cool Points if you have Hookah in your houses?
What is this ungodly obsession with this single furnishing anyway? Do you all think you'll gain 100 Cool Points if you have Hookah in your houses?
What is this ungodly obsession with this single furnishing anyway? Do you all think you'll gain 100 Cool Points if you have Hookah in your houses?
Nyghthowler wrote: »
Because you can't really call yourself a Skooma addict without having your own personal Bubbler. Some times sharing isn't caring...
method__01 wrote: »dont know if i can offer any help but i pickpocket the bubbler 2 days ago
method__01 wrote: »dont know if i can offer any help but i pickpocket the bubbler 2 days ago
That was utterly 0 help lol xD
it seems completely random, you just have to find NPCs labbeled as "drunkards" or "addicts" and pickpocket or murder them
I do xD No addicts actually exist; there is a list of all NPCs - it's not there - you get Drunkards and Celebrants.
I meant only by the image - it had 0 details of anything relevant - but it was a nice gesture.
rentalman UK wrote: »Theives guild level 7 the wedding. Do not complete quest once in the house pickpocket adds since and repeat but do not complete the quest or leave the mansion as it then takes 24 hours to reset
Got 20 bubblers
3 recepies took about 4 5 hours farming npc in the house but worth it. Do not worry about bounty and once you have 2hat you want go theives guild and launder them to stop from stolen item to owned item.
When leaving the mansion fast travel to rawlka then straight to theives guild
Congrats and good luck
rentalman UK wrote: »Theives guild level 7 the wedding. Do not complete quest once in the house pickpocket adds since and repeat but do not complete the quest or leave the mansion as it then takes 24 hours to reset
Got 20 bubblers
3 recepies took about 4 5 hours farming npc in the house but worth it. Do not worry about bounty and once you have 2hat you want go theives guild and launder them to stop from stolen item to owned item.
When leaving the mansion fast travel to rawlka then straight to theives guild
Congrats and good luck
There are no addicts in game.
I think they only fixed the drops of the skooma bubblers. But I think they still should drop the recipe, right? I have a special character for that so I could check, but I dont like the grind