Some time ago I was having trouble with my Imperial Templar Healer, in the way that his heals and buffs were not effecting other players while in Alik'r Desert. This issue was never resolved, I simply never went back to Alik'r Desert with that character.
Unfortunately, I am now experiencing the same issue, but with my Altmer Templar Healer, and in Auridon.. Which is the zone I am in most of the time when playing as him.
I have done all the troubleshooting I can think of such as, /reloadui, relogging, repairing, uninstalling Add-Ons, Windows and Graphics Driver are updated, ran the troubleshooter, and rebooted PC, even uninstalled and reinstalled the game. And I have of course contacted support twice for this issue, once after my Imperial Templar Healer fell victim to the bug
13/Apr/2017. And once again when my Altmer Templar Healer fell victim to the same
The first four screenshots are of Brother Septimus, my Imperial Templar Healer in the aforementioned Alik'r Desert, the Zone where his heals don't work.
Each of these first four screenshots show a different spell, each one failing to effect the players around me.

The first being
Energy Orbs, as the orb travels, there should be a golden stream going to three or four of the players around me, but the orb is effecting me alone.

The second screenshot is of
Extended Ritual, I carefully took the screenshot as the spell "ticked" as you can see the spell is once again, only effecting me, and not those around me.

The third is
Rapid Regeneration, casting this should send a stream of golden light to two other players. Which by the screenshot you can see, it is not.

Fourth is
Combat Prayer, I was once again careful to show the ability being cast at the critical point where we should see other players glow from being effected by the spell. Which, once again, we do not.
I must press the point that ALL my Imperial Templar's and Altmer Templar's
heals AND
buffs aren't applying their
benefit OR their
visuals unto other players, not just those listed in this post. (Just in case this wasn't clear in any way). It's also important that I reiterate the fact that this bug effects them only when my Imperial is in Alik'r Desert and when my Altmer is in Auridon. When I travel outside of these Zones, I can once again heal everyone with both characters, group or no group. This was tested multiple times, as upon contacting ESO Support, I was told that these heals weren't effecting other players, because I wasn't grouped with them. Unfortunately this grouping theory is incorrect. The solution just isn't that simple, I truly wish it was.

The second group of screenshots, screenshots 5 to 8 (Shown Above) are of the same four spells shown in the first 4 screenshots, (
Energy Orbs, Extended Ritual, Rapid Regeneration and Combat Prayer) but these were taken in a different Zone to Alik'r Desert. And as you can see, they all do what they're supposed to do, and I'm not grouped with the other player.

Screenshots 9 and 10 (Shown Above) are of my Imperial Templar Healer in Alik'r Desert, casting
Extended Ritual, and
Rapid Regeneration on a grouped player, and the spells are failing in the same way as described previously. It may seem repetitive, but I simply want it to be clear, ALL
heals and
buffs weren't working on this grouped player either. Not just those two spells portrayed in the final two screenshots.
ESO Support eventually told me that the issue is out of their capabilities, and that posting on these forums is the best way to bring it to the attention of those that can actually influence the game in a way that would affect the bug. So I thanked them for their time, and for attempting to assist me with what limited arsenal they had at their disposal.
Thank you to any fellow players that have the same issues present, and take the time to post here.
And thank you to any ZOS members that take the time to read it.