Observations since returning

Ok, played some time ago when first released. Then left it until Morrowind enticed me back.

Warning, this post may contain sarcasm. If you don't understand that, then please carry on browsing, nothing to see here....

Still have the odd, why did they do that! Moment.

As an example, I'm sure you all have thought this. Why do I have to come out of harborage, run round the corner and then get a projection? Seriously, even though I know it is coming, it winds me up!

You kill a troll, great big thing and all you get is exp and a few coins. You then kill a wisp and get huge two handed axe and pile of other oversized items! Seriously, where did the wisp keep the items?

Completed the halls of torment probably about the third time in as many weeks. Loads of cases and urns to open. Yet what do you get? Just about everyone of them is full of lockpicks! Considering people are tortured there and locked up, having lockpicks hanging around is not the best policy for a healthy torture chamber!

In starter area for Morrowind, one of the first quests give you a chance to talk to npc and there is the option to persuade. How do you do that if you have just started and not got the relevant skill line yet?

I do like some of the none black and white choices, kill them or let them live. Would like to see more consequences of the choice though, even if it is the other person getting angry at your choice and fighting you. Having to kill them as well or persuade them etc...

Also, what's with all the rubbish weapons and armour you pick up? If it has a value, then when you decon you get something from it. No value then nothing when you decon

Still having too much fun wandering around doing quests. Not got any to level 50 yet and still have some way to go on main quest. Keeps winding me up when I leave and walk round the corner. Keep making him wait!
Xbox One EU servers

GamerID: Sabretalon

Also have it on PS4 but not my focus console

Casual play, explorer and altaholic. ESO+ member

  • UnseenCat
    sabretalon wrote: »
    Completed the halls of torment probably about the third time in as many weeks. Loads of cases and urns to open. Yet what do you get? Just about everyone of them is full of lockpicks! Considering people are tortured there and locked up, having lockpicks hanging around is not the best policy for a healthy torture chamber!

    Ahh, but I love going to Coldharbour just to collect all the lockpicks! I've never had to buy any since I started the game, and collecting them has gotten to be a hobby in the game. I can't pass an urn anywhere without checking for them. I sneak around stealing stuff, find lockpicks, and pay the fence to launder them just so I can add to the pile!

    The Thieves' Guild quest where you had to give an NPC a lockpick (no names to prevent spoilers) cracked me up. Another NPC offered one up -- obviously just in case for some inexplicable reason the hapless player might find themselves without one. I've got over two hundred lockpicks... Poor Tythis, my Banker assistant, is going to start complaining about lugging around my bloody pile of lockpicks... And an NPC is stepping in so I don't embarrass myself by being a thief who's shy one lockpick! :lol:

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