Looking For Trial Guild. Ps4 NA.

Hello, I am currently trying to participate in trials.

I would like to make use of my tanking spec (5 torug, 5 ebon, 2 swarm mother) whom is a CP 620ish Imperial Stamina Warden.

I have experience tanking in veteran dungeons such as CoA2, CoS, RoM, WGT, and ICP.

I understand my job as tank is to debuff enemies, control combat flow of mobs, and buff allies DPS to ensure adequate TTK.

I am completely unaware of the mechanics surrounding trials so I ask to complete normal trials before engaging in any veteran content as well as having group members that can have patience with me, and help me learn and further my tanking abilities to ensure I have adequate knowledge of what is expected of me in trials.

GOAL: I am mainly completing trails for the character achievements in game, but also to acquire specific gear to help with my vMA progression.

NOTICE: You can contact me on PSN via ID: YourACasul (please indicate that you are from ESO Forum)

Look forward to taking on these trails!
PvP needs more love.
  • spfarr2112pub19_ESO
    Hey there. I may have a guild that's just right for you. Our guild is called The Skommahill Gang and we are a social PVE trial progression guild. We are starting to run vet trials but we also do normal trials as well. We are more then willing to help teach new members the ropes of trials and to better yourself as a player. Check out our guild rerecruitment post in the guild fourm section to learn a little more about us. Let me know if you would like an invite and I'd be happy to oblige.
  • Escape_Mentality
    Could I get an invite to your guild?
    Cp 504 healer
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