Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

When you should be taking advantage of SWBF2 open beta, but you just can't stay away from ESO.

Guys I tried. I'm one of the biggest Star Wars fans. I played the $#*&! out of SWBF1. I own the Star Wars version of the PS4. I pre-ordered the sequel. Cancelled all plans for the weekend. Intended to only play SWBF2 for 48 hours straight. BUT I JUST COULDN'T DO IT. 2 hours in I started getting withdrawl symptoms - the shakes - bad. There's no skeletal zone chat...and beautiful lakes I couldn't fish in. I just couldn't take it any longer. Forgive me father...
(spends the rest of the weekend playing ESO)
    Lol. Well when the beta is only 1 gametype and 1 map it can get old pretty quick. Played for maybe 10 hours. Then got back on eso lol
  • Jade1986
    I would much rather have a new star wars mmo to be honest.
  • Respect4Elders
    To be fair, they did have crates...and a fair amount of PVP :)
  • Shadeaux
    Guys I tried. I'm one of the biggest Star Wars fans. I played the $#*&! out of SWBF1. I own the Star Wars version of the PS4. I pre-ordered the sequel. Cancelled all plans for the weekend. Intended to only play SWBF2 for 48 hours straight. BUT I JUST COULDN'T DO IT. 2 hours in I started getting withdrawl symptoms - the shakes - bad. There's no skeletal zone chat...and beautiful lakes I couldn't fish in. I just couldn't take it any longer. Forgive me father...
    (spends the rest of the weekend playing ESO)

    I had exact opposite response. I had so much fun playing SW that I had even less desire to play ESO. My guess is they will lock this thread for referencing another game, so IBTL. :-)
  • Stovahkiin
    laced wrote: »
    I would much rather have a new star wars mmo to be honest.

    I'd sell myself into slavery for a couple years if it meant someone would make a good Star Wars MMO. SWTOR has good story, but it's getting old at this point.
    Beware the battle cattle, but don't *fear* the battle cattle!
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