Hatoreehanzo wrote: »Imagine having a group chase you or peeling players off of a zerg to your favorite X spot. You know they're bad because 2 are spamming radiant while you're at full health, 1 is on a "hybrid" build, a nightblade is spamming ambush repeatedly and you know a great 1vX video is about to be clipped. You start working on the nightblade, but he cloaks and runs under pressure. You start on the hybrid whatever it is, but the heavy armor healbots spam him to full health. Finally you turn to one of the healers, LoS'ing his groups heals and killing him. The nightblade slips up and he goes down shortly after. You turn to the next healer. You can can taste the X. You almost have him dead only to hear your skills clicking. What?! You're dead. You're running around, but your dead. You got health desynced by a level 23 spamming snipe and the hybrid's meteor coming down 8 seconds after it was dropped. They're all bagging you and clapping their Cheetoh stained hands together while they toast a frosty glass of Code Red.
1) Bring back solo and small group play.
1v1 (players do 100% damage to each other)
1v2 (second player coming into the fight does say, 90% to the single player)
1v3 (third player coming into the fight does 80%)
1v4 (etc)
Not sure what the reduction cap would be, but that's an idea to counteract zerging. This could be a buff that is put on a player who is hit by multiple people within "X" amount of time, say 6 seconds or so. You could also reduce group healing with something like this that would discourage stacking healbots.
2) Fix snipe health desyncs, invisible/delayed meteors, double CCs, etc.
More often than not I am in the middle of fighting a group and starting to work my magic only to die to someone spamming snipe to desync my health, throwing delayed meteors, etc.
3) Stop promoting zerging.
I've played since launch on console and have seen a huge shift towards zerging. Console can barely handle this kind of game play without frame rate tanking, blue screening or hitting random load screens.
I see PvP dying in this game and in my opinion it's your longevity. IC is dead. BGs were cute for about 2 weeks. Cyro is zergtastic. The game is being spoon fed to casual players and it's killing it in the process.
Hatoreehanzo wrote: »Imagine having a group chase you or peeling players off of a zerg to your favorite X spot. You know they're bad because 2 are spamming radiant while you're at full health, 1 is on a "hybrid" build, a nightblade is spamming ambush repeatedly and you know a great 1vX video is about to be clipped. You start working on the nightblade, but he cloaks and runs under pressure. You start on the hybrid whatever it is, but the heavy armor healbots spam him to full health. Finally you turn to one of the healers, LoS'ing his groups heals and killing him. The nightblade slips up and he goes down shortly after. You turn to the next healer. You can can taste the X. You almost have him dead only to hear your skills clicking. What?! You're dead. You're running around, but your dead. You got health desynced by a level 23 spamming snipe and the hybrid's meteor coming down 8 seconds after it was dropped. They're all bagging you and clapping their Cheetoh stained hands together while they toast a frosty glass of Code Red.
1) Bring back solo and small group play.
1v1 (players do 100% damage to each other)
1v2 (second player coming into the fight does say, 90% to the single player)
1v3 (third player coming into the fight does 80%)
1v4 (etc)
Not sure what the reduction cap would be, but that's an idea to counteract zerging. This could be a buff that is put on a player who is hit by multiple people within "X" amount of time, say 6 seconds or so. You could also reduce group healing with something like this that would discourage stacking healbots.
2) Fix snipe health desyncs, invisible/delayed meteors, double CCs, etc.
More often than not I am in the middle of fighting a group and starting to work my magic only to die to someone spamming snipe to desync my health, throwing delayed meteors, etc.
3) Stop promoting zerging.
I've played since launch on console and have seen a huge shift towards zerging. Console can barely handle this kind of game play without frame rate tanking, blue screening or hitting random load screens.
I see PvP dying in this game and in my opinion it's your longevity. IC is dead. BGs were cute for about 2 weeks. Cyro is zergtastic. The game is being spoon fed to casual players and it's killing it in the process.
Hatoreehanzo wrote: »Imagine having a group chase you or peeling players off of a zerg to your favorite X spot. You know they're bad because 2 are spamming radiant while you're at full health, 1 is on a "hybrid" build, a nightblade is spamming ambush repeatedly and you know a great 1vX video is about to be clipped. You start working on the nightblade, but he cloaks and runs under pressure. You start on the hybrid whatever it is, but the heavy armor healbots spam him to full health. Finally you turn to one of the healers, LoS'ing his groups heals and killing him. The nightblade slips up and he goes down shortly after. You turn to the next healer. You can can taste the X. You almost have him dead only to hear your skills clicking. What?! You're dead. You're running around, but your dead. You got health desynced by a level 23 spamming snipe and the hybrid's meteor coming down 8 seconds after it was dropped. They're all bagging you and clapping their Cheetoh stained hands together while they toast a frosty glass of Code Red.
1) Bring back solo and small group play.
1v1 (players do 100% damage to each other)
1v2 (second player coming into the fight does say, 90% to the single player)
1v3 (third player coming into the fight does 80%)
1v4 (etc)
Not sure what the reduction cap would be, but that's an idea to counteract zerging. This could be a buff that is put on a player who is hit by multiple people within "X" amount of time, say 6 seconds or so. You could also reduce group healing with something like this that would discourage stacking healbots.
2) Fix snipe health desyncs, invisible/delayed meteors, double CCs, etc.
More often than not I am in the middle of fighting a group and starting to work my magic only to die to someone spamming snipe to desync my health, throwing delayed meteors, etc.
3) Stop promoting zerging.
I've played since launch on console and have seen a huge shift towards zerging. Console can barely handle this kind of game play without frame rate tanking, blue screening or hitting random load screens.
I see PvP dying in this game and in my opinion it's your longevity. IC is dead. BGs were cute for about 2 weeks. Cyro is zergtastic. The game is being spoon fed to casual players and it's killing it in the process.
I agree with most the statment. But the "stop promoting zerging"
If there was no zerging there wiuld not be a war? I re brought this game for the masive scale fights for ps4. If i want small scale, ill just go play something else. Even battlegrounds or duel some where with mates.
But you are correct they do need to fix frame rate/random load screens/"this is the normal eso long load screen"
Hatoreehanzo wrote: »I see a lot of traction on the first idea. I probably should have clarified, but this would be in response to reducing zergs. While it might seem logical to bring in more players, you'd penalize the damage to a null point. As for tanks and permablock builds, use battlespirit to affect heavy armor and block rather than a global change that affects pvp.
Another option would be to give a player in combat a buff that would increase output damage like they used to have with ult.
I don't know the fix, but I'm throwing ideas out there to salvage real gameplay. Currently ball zerging in horrible frame rate doesn't seem like a good rate at what they're promoting.
If you've anyone has seen me play I always promote someone having fun. If they want to run some weird, broken or cheap thing have at it. It keeps them coming back. What pvp has become though is making it increasingly to enjoy my, as well as many others, type of game play. Of which a lot will not come back.
I still have fun and love the game, I just get frustrated at certain outcomes when it comes to poor game mechanics and unavoidable instances.