Hi, i would like to know if as a sorcerer who likes to do bgs and go to Cyro i should focus in get sets that gives me critic chance or sets that give max magic or spell power? I'm not playing since months and i don't know whats the status of the game right now. i don't want to farm something that i will later regret. I have family, i can't waste my time.
Please if you can write me your suggestions i would really really appreciate it. My intention is craft one set and farm the other. I was thinking in go with destro and resto staff. The options are 2, options 1 is to equip one set for dps and when i swap weapons change to something that gives me sustain. Option 2 is to use 2 sets of 5 pieces both oriented to dps. Monster sets no one likes me, since i would like to focus my sorcerer to pure magic damage or shock damage, nothing of flame damage.
My ideas are: 1) Julianos + Treasure hunter or Mother sorrow or Elegance or Spinners. 2) Julianos + Lich.
My worries are damage shield, people with critical resist tanks and stamina builds that use evasion and keep rolling evading every things. Critical and armor penetration are maybe the more useless and better would be go simply full spell damage.
How do you see it? :-/