Just what the title says. I've never played either DLC and I'm not sure which to start off with. My character is a MagBlade and my gear is a combination of light, medium and heavy armor in the Julianos set. On my front bar, I have dual wield weapons, but my skills are all from my Nightblade skill line. My back bar is destruction staff with a combination of weapon and class skills, and the destruction staff I usually use is a lightning staff. I've got an inferno staff ready to go in my inventory if I decide to go that route. I'm somewhere in the vicinity of 470 CP.
Is it better to start with the Dark Brotherhood to get the Blade of Woe? Or is it better to go Thieves Guild first and build up my sneaky skills?
Also, another question on another topic....I was doing some regular overland content in Alik'r Desert and the quest is leading me to Volenfell....which is a group dungeon. I've only ever done one and that was quite a while back. Is that dungeon soloable? Or should I try to get some other people to come with me? I'm PC/NA if anyone decides they'd like to go down the rabbit hole with me tomorrow night or Saturday.