Leeching vines is one of the most valuable skills for a Warden Tank (pretty useful for even non-tank builds) because it synergizes with Nature's Gift and becomes one of our best sustain tools. But it has this problem where often (and I'm talking about at least half if not the majority of the time), it
miss-casts and lands on a teammate rather than yourself; the group's Tank.
If there are a bunch of trash mobs hitting everyone, it's not such a problem. But when you're tanking a boss, not only do you not get the heal, you don't get the resources either which is extremely detrimental. This often causes you to have to recast by turning the camera away in just the right way so the cursor is targeting nothing by a large angle, which consumes more resources.
I really don't think this is a learn-to-play issue as it's just a very
clumsy mechanic that forces Warden Tanks to constantly spin their camera around just to overcome a poor targeting system. It's
very disruptive to the flow and enjoyment of combat. Even if the cursor is completely over the mob/boss, the cast will still more-often-than-not land on someone other than the Tank.
Any chance we can get some attention to this and make this skill more fluent?
@ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom
Edited by Tethalion on September 28, 2017 3:28AM