Large lag spikes due to weapons?

Just wanted to report a recent occurrence since last patch. verified over the last week/weekend it was not due to high volume of traffic or playing during peak times.

whenever any of my weapons run out of charge, I get a large lag spike or pause for appx. 2sec. screen/Image freezes and nothing responds while waiting for that icon to popup on screen. This occurs when it runs out of charge as well as during recharge. Anyone else experiencing this?

Xbox - NA
Eddyb1e - Xbox One - NA
Eddyble - PC - NA
  • Izaki
    Yep. Its real.
    @ Izaki #PCEU
    #FrenchKiss #GoneFor2YearsAndMyGuildDoesn'tRaidAnymore
  • gp1680
    Lag spikes are really bad, weapons charged or not.
  • Eddyble
    gp1680 wrote: »
    Lag spikes are really bad, weapons charged or not.

    This is true. Much more noticeable at any/all times lately. I just wanted to point out a bug or circumstance when you're guaranteed to get one.
    Eddyb1e - Xbox One - NA
    Eddyble - PC - NA
  • Eddyble
    I haven't bothered to follow up with this as I expected it to be something that wouldn't get resolved until an upcoming patch. BUT now that we have CWC here on PC and coming to console, I thought to ask for an update from players.

    Has this bug/lag spike from glyph charge been fixed?

    Thanks for any feedback.
    Eddyb1e - Xbox One - NA
    Eddyble - PC - NA
  • Apache_Kid
    Can confirm this has been happening for A LONG time on Xbox NA. When a weapon runs out of charge your screen freezes for about 2.5-3 seconds. Then, when trying to charge an empty item, you get another 2.5-3 second screen freeze. This is especially annoying when your weapon runs out of charge during a fight in PvP.
  • Anazasi
    it would seem that its not just localized to the player who has no charges. I have noticed VERY large spikes when around other players recently such as just standing around a resource waiting for the flag to flip. I have resorted to mostly solo play avoiding others outside of group as much as possible.
  • xDODGE
    Soul Shriven
    I get it too. Very annoying. That lag spike means death in many circumstances.
  • Eddyble
    just a minor update.

    continuing into CWC update, I still get the pauses and now adding often similar pauses when bar swapping. these bugs are occurring on all characters in varied gear and skills.
    Eddyb1e - Xbox One - NA
    Eddyble - PC - NA
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