In my last MMO there were quite a few YouTubers putting out quality guides for dungeons/trials (Mizteq, MrHappy, etc) but when I search up dungeon guides for ESO I have yet to stumble accross a total gem that makes quick, comprehensive guides. I'm trying to do my random dungeon queue every day and when I get something level appropriate it is easy enough to handle as everything is so forgiving.
Yesterday I got Cradle of Shadows. I had queued with someone I met from the forums here who was CP660 and if he hadn't been there with all that damage I don't think the group would have made it. I was on healer and don't have my entire kit yet (yay just got to morph for Combat Prayer!) and then the DPS I didn't queue with was also new though in his mid 40's instead of 25 like me.
To his credit the tank gave brief descriptions in voice chat but then he also got one-shotted at one point. We cleared with minimal deaths (just the tank that one time then the other DPS and I during the final boss where you have to stay still then roll dodge; I think I could have made it but the tank kept telling me to not go yet and I missed my window) but still it was really close.
So yeah... Anyone know a reliable guide source? At this point my plan is to run everything once and then do everything once as I unlock it so I always know what's going on in my dailies. I'm open to videos or written guides.