What's the best morphs for pvp mag dk

This is a thread for all mag dk abilities I really am debating on which to go with such as volatile armor or hardened armor but this is in general not just that abilitiy I would like to hear the main dk pvp morphs thank you
  • Cameron991
    Also talons is a big morph I'm not sure what I'll do I will be running SB and Sun so what morphs fit best for that
  • AverageJo3Gam3r
    Either morph of talons and armor are fine for PvP. Volatile armor damage isn't very good but it can pull nightblades out of stealth. Hardened armor is more defensive. Burning talons is more offensive, choking is more defensive. I'm not a fan of choking because the main debuff is so short, but other well respected MDKs like it.
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