VET Level dungeons

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I'm sick of this *** I'm vet level and I have 53 champion Piont every time I get into a group of people that have 600 champion points or more they kick from the group. I don't think this is fair I have worked just as hard as them to get to champion level and it wasn't given to me. ESO should allow something to be done about this because this hinders the players growth
Edited by Bowdowntogreatness on September 23, 2017 6:42PM
What doesn't kill you can only make you stronger
  • Metafae
    I don't agree with you being kicked. I think it's rude and I'm well over cap.

    I can though explain that if the group is farming for gear, you may be kicked simply because if the piece they seek drops for you, being only cp53 would be soul crushing to them, so to not risk it they will kick and replace you to make sure any player that joins is cp160 or above.
  • zaria
    Why dungeons is it? the easier one is no issue below cp160, the harder is especially the dlc ones who tend to put cp300 as an minimum even.
    Anyway why do you have to run veteran? you can not use the loot as in you will outlevel an set before you can collect a full one. Quest and random dungeon reward is the same.
    You need HM for two keys, you can use this later.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • Tasear
    Um...I am sorry you being kicked, but you did not work as hard as to get champion points. It's easier to get champion points at earlier levels. I am just stating for record. I wish the system was better too.
    Edited by Tasear on September 23, 2017 7:14PM
  • Dexter411
    Metafae wrote: »
    I don't agree with you being kicked. I think it's rude and I'm well over cap.

    I can though explain that if the group is farming for gear, you may be kicked simply because if the piece they seek drops for you, being only cp53 would be soul crushing to them, so to not risk it they will kick and replace you to make sure any player that joins is cp160 or above.

    Or it is pledge and they have little time.
    Don't take me wrong here, I hate when people want to faceroll everything in 15min and raqe about someone not keeping up to them.

    Or they are just *** and kick You because low cp=noob player mindset...

    My advice would be to join casual PvE or Social guild. Usually players there are open for "that" kind of runs.
  • Myyth
    You need to see it from both sides.
    Here you have a group of CP600+ queuing up for a dungeon. They are looking forward to a nice quick run. Get it done fast and easy.
    Then, a CP 53 character shows up.
    This player does noticeably less damage, has less survivability, has less regen and weaker gear.
    Everyone will have to work harder to cover for this low CP player and even worse, there is now a chance the group could fail.
    Especially if the low CP player is a tank or healer.
    While is it not right to kick you, do you really blame them for not wanting to carry you?

    Who is really at fault and should take the blame is ZoS for letting this kind of situation happen.
    A CP level requirement of 160 should be put in place. Higher for DLC dungeons.
    ZoS has ignored the problem and done nothing which is causing players grief.
    Edited by Myyth on September 23, 2017 7:19PM
  • MLGProPlayer
    Depends on the dungeon. If it's a level II or DLC dungeon, you're underlevelled and will hold the group back.

    The minimum level you should be for vet level II dungeons is CP 160. For vet DLC dungeons, it's CP 300.
    Edited by MLGProPlayer on September 23, 2017 7:55PM
  • Magdalina
    Well to be fair you did not really work hard for your cp yet ;) First 90 cp you get doing 2 publics or something. After 100-200 it begins to noticeably slow down, at 600+ you're happy if you can squeeze 1 cp a day in there. You're just in the start of your journey ;)

    That said I do find it unacceptable to kick lower level players in dungeons. The only excuse for kicking is when someone is underperforming or/and sabotaging the run to the point where the only way you can make it is by kicking them, but that can happen at any cp.

    However, with the way current system works...if I load in in a vet ROM and all 3 other people are sub 160 I know I'll probably have to politely excuse myself after first pull/boss because we simply won't make it. Granted, that's also the case with 9/10 cp 300+ in ROM...the issue is the game teaches you nothing up until vet dungeons, but your learning in vet dungeons will cost your team time, effort, possibly completion and gear - your gear won't scale to their level. That forms a vicious circle when lowbies know nothing, get kicked so learn nothing and then end up as a cp 660 who still knows nothing. Some of us actually don't mind showing new people the ropes - but unfortunately that's far not everyone.

    It's not your fault, the system is flawed at the core. My advice would be to join a friendly guild who won't mind taking you along and showing you the ropes. I'd also advice you check your build before doing that so you aren't a dead weight - with battle leveling, you CAN be useful in vet dungeons at low level, albeit not as useful as a cp 660, but you need to understand what you're doing, which is where most people fall short. What role are you? What gear are you wearing? How much health do you have? If you're a dps - what's your dps? There're way more requirements for (some) vet dungeons than for normals, some of them you simply won't complete if you aren't meeting certain thresholds.
  • WuffyCerulei
    I don't care about your cp level so long as you don't stand in stupid and listen.
    Sorcerer's pretty much been the same for years. Nerf Rush of Agony and Saints&Seducer's
  • Kanar
    Last night I joined a random, Selene's web, and as soon as I got in the healer was trying to kick the other DPS. Look at the party window, the DPS is cp 60 something. I rejected the kick and the healer tried to do it a couple more times, then dropped from the group, not a word spoken the entire time.

    The three of us kept going, another healer joined and immediately started bitching about the cp 60, saying no way we had enough DPS (didn't even see the results of a single fight). I tell her we're fine but we keep hearing the same *** from her. We kill selene (not a single death) and she's still bitching, now about how she got all the add agro.

    Some people are just whiney and cowards. A little challenge is fun sometimes, most dungeons are a snoozefest anyway. There's only a few dungeons that are hard enough to warrant culling the weak from the party and in those cases I would talk about it with the group, not just wordlessly kick which is totally unacceptable behavior in my opinion.
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