It's good that I had little money. More precisely, I had 400 Crowns left on my game account, after I purchased the DLC. I decided to buy something for a good mood.
I bought the item "Dwarven crate" for 400 Crowns.
I open it, some kind of kajit appears on the screen, and starts to lay out some cards for me. Reminiscent of a slot machine, one-shot bandit. You throw money, it's spinning... Oops! Failure. Give me more money.
And it happened. Well, I decided that it was so necessary, I took cards , there was garbage.
Blossom Busrt Bonnet
Sadrith Mora Quilted Snood
10 bottles of Potions.
I did not need the bottles of healing potions, I gave them to the Khajiit, he gave me two purple stones for them. There are still 98 stones left, and I will have the ghost of a panther instead of a horse. Bravo!
...You must make normal traditional game settings, not need mucks and provocations. Accessories from these "Dwarven crates" should fall out in accordance with the race and the character's profession in the game. Otherwise, this is rubbish, which undermines respect for your game.
In the meantime, I'm not going to buy anything from the Store at all. Because my mood to shop - was gone.
[edited for inappropriate commentary]
Edited by ZOS_CoriJ on September 28, 2017 3:20AM