I have spriggans and two sharpened weapons, how much penetration do you think I will need in a 4 man dungeon? Considering other players having NMG, crusher enchant and the like.
AverageJo3Gam3r wrote: »Kragh if you're not at the penetration cap of 18k. Veli if you are.
Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »Do you only fight Manti and target dummies on repeat? The game is not "mostly single target", so how can you be? Dont get me wrong, I understand you are saying that you build for ST, but so does everyone. Veli is better both because trash needs to die and because a lot of trial bosses have hit boxes that are big enough so veli gets multiple hits. Cleave damage is very important in this game. Most burn strats in trials rely on adds dying to cleave. Assuming you are at the pen cap, veli is your best bet. If not, krags is your best ST set IMO.
Also Velidreth is better due to the 1p 129 weapon damage bonus which boosts your DPS more than the 1p 1096 max stamina from Selene. First, because the former gets boosted by 25% by major+minor brutality to 165 while the latter only gets boosted by 6% from racial passive, another 2-6% from undaunted mettle passive and 10% from warhorn. So a maximum of 22% if you go 1/5/1 or just 20% if you go all medium. So between 1337 and 1315 depending on your gear; dividing that by 10.24 gets you the "weapon power" which is the contribution that extra stamina makes to you skill tooltips. In this case it's 130 and 128 respectively. Which is lower than the weapon damage that enters in the tooltip undivided. Also for light and heavy attacks scale differently with max stamina divided by about 40 so having higher weapon damage boosts their damage more. They should make up about 10% of your DPS which is not negligible.
Also Velidreth tends to proc more since it does so from any damage dealt, not only melee damage like Selene. None of your typical bow bar skills like poison injection, endless hail, razor caltrops or trap are considered melee. So overall the DPS from Velidreth will be higher than Selene even in single target fights.
Alright we'll thank you very much for all the information everyone, I'll build into piercing cp and stick with my velidreth. Thanks