NewBlacksmurf wrote: »Let each game have its own thing.....
Every game shouldn't try and replicate what another game does.....
Storymaster wrote: »NewBlacksmurf wrote: »Let each game have its own thing.....
Every game shouldn't try and replicate what another game does.....
Dude... how can you immediately slam such an outstanding idea simply because it came from another MMO? That's like saying we shouldn't have costumes because other MMOs have it or Personalities because MxO had something similar.
I would LOVE to see something like this, along with a semblance of SWG's storytelling tools.
NewBlacksmurf wrote: »...but now you're talking about redesigning the whole story outside of the end of the main story but to redo all original game and DLC guilds for this.....again....
I can see it now:
Guild Initiation Quest:
Go to dungeon xxx, run it until you have a full set of BiS gear, donate that to the guild master and you'll be accepted into our awesome guild!
Cryptic Studios has a few games that have played created content. It's not really great content not great story telling but it does help fill gaps.
With ESO, Zos would need to implement a screening process to ensure a minimum level of quality is met. Especially since ESO is a higher quality game that cryptic maintains.
In turn many that would write the content would be Josef their work was rejected and most of it likely would. Not a great path for Zos to go.
Edit: it's rather irrelevant that the OP is looking at these quests being restricted to members of a particular guild because it opens the door to player made content which is what my posts discusses.
Cryptic Studios has a few games that have played created content. It's not really great content not great story telling but it does help fill gaps.
With ESO, Zos would need to implement a screening process to ensure a minimum level of quality is met. Especially since ESO is a higher quality game that cryptic maintains.
In turn many that would write the content would be Josef their work was rejected and most of it likely would. Not a great path for Zos to go.
Edit: it's rather irrelevant that the OP is looking at these quests being restricted to members of a particular guild because it opens the door to player made content which is what my posts discusses.
well again the example I gave really isn't any story telling or writing, BUT if were able to write something go along each quest with the stuff being done by guild well it's their work not ZOS. It's a nice way to generate guild membership and guild activities.
Cryptic Studios has a few games that have played created content. It's not really great content not great story telling but it does help fill gaps.
With ESO, Zos would need to implement a screening process to ensure a minimum level of quality is met. Especially since ESO is a higher quality game that cryptic maintains.
In turn many that would write the content would be Josef their work was rejected and most of it likely would. Not a great path for Zos to go.
Edit: it's rather irrelevant that the OP is looking at these quests being restricted to members of a particular guild because it opens the door to player made content which is what my posts discusses.
well again the example I gave really isn't any story telling or writing, BUT if were able to write something go along each quest with the stuff being done by guild well it's their work not ZOS. It's a nice way to generate guild membership and guild activities.
Any group can developer their own RP to go along with any quest and incorporate the quest dialogue or ignore it.
Having Zos incorporate into an existing quest or permitting players to develope their own quests, even for a specific group of players, isn't going to happen for the reasons I laid out above.
Quality is the main issue. Developing the system to builds anything plus the review system to approve what meets the minimum quality is the second.
The example provided in the OP is a great example of low quality quests that Zos will not permit. Great for lower quality games like Cryptic manages.
I'm not saying ability create a new quest or something but using stuff that is public and not tied to any npc quest giver for story line. There are public dungeons in the different lands that you come across some have shards some don't but they are not really tied to quests nor really are the 4 person dungeons.
Example: guild leader is able to unlock an npc person they can put in their stronghold. The guild leader then clicks on npc and through leader menu can setup a quest for public dungeon(a least would then pop down and you could select which dungeon), or you could choose from 4 person dungeons, another option could choose would be kill all WB in a given area or take out all anchors in given area, you could also have option take out a specific WB or anchor. From there would be choose reward and would be just like mail you have certain number of items you can place that are rewards along with money or just make it money. But you as guild leader would have to put the item(s) and/or gold into the mission having said item(s) and/or gold taken away from your inventory. Then have a person from your guild say party leader talk to npc and they give the quest. Say there could be up to four quests to choose from.
this way there is no abuse because you as a guild leader or the npc owner have to give up item(s) and/or gold from your own inventory. You aren't rewriting or taking away from faction quests or anything since this stuff is all public and can replay them all the time or kill dungeon bosses all the time as many times
PurpleDrank wrote: »This could be a lot of fun in the hands of a creative guild. I do agree though that there would have to be safeguards in place to prevent them from being loot/xp vending instances. I suppose if it was just an instance with no xp or loot it could work, but would people use it? Also how much would it cost Z to develop it, and would they see the return on that investment?
Guild leaders can already put together a group and choose a dungeon to do or anything else. Zos is not going to instance anything that is currently open world for guilds, or anyone else.
Zos has already created content that can be performed by guild groups, or any other group that chooses to form up. It is called dungeons and trials, arenas. Heck, we are getting a new trial in a month that is particularly different than what we have in game ATM.
Guilds use these for activities all the time.
However, any aspect of that idea you mentioned part way through has nothing to do with what your OP states. Your OP was about actually creating new content
Guild leaders can already put together a group and choose a dungeon to do or anything else. Zos is not going to instance anything that is currently open world for guilds, or anyone else.
Zos has already created content that can be performed by guild groups, or any other group that chooses to form up. It is called dungeons and trials, arenas. Heck, we are getting a new trial in a month that is particularly different than what we have in game ATM.
Guilds use these for activities all the time.
However, any aspect of that idea you mentioned part way through has nothing to do with what your OP states. Your OP was about actually creating new content
Missing the point slightly. We know trials exist and pvp is there also. Guild wars have trials, dungeon, pvp, wvw also. But they also have "guild mission" as more of a social setting, removing the 'stress and dps' requirements allowing all members to enjoy something together (also they have a guild currency allowing them to spend it on/in a guild house also)
Op's not asking to copy and paste other games, but consider making this mmo more social, thats all. Thats the way i read it anyway, and is a valid statement.
Guild leaders can already put together a group and choose a dungeon to do or anything else. Zos is not going to instance anything that is currently open world for guilds, or anyone else.
Zos has already created content that can be performed by guild groups, or any other group that chooses to form up. It is called dungeons and trials, arenas. Heck, we are getting a new trial in a month that is particularly different than what we have in game ATM.
Guilds use these for activities all the time.
However, any aspect of that idea you mentioned part way through has nothing to do with what your OP states. Your OP was about actually creating new content
Missing the point slightly. We know trials exist and pvp is there also. Guild wars have trials, dungeon, pvp, wvw also. But they also have "guild mission" as more of a social setting, removing the 'stress and dps' requirements allowing all members to enjoy something together (also they have a guild currency allowing them to spend it on/in a guild house also)
Op's not asking to copy and paste other games, but consider making this mmo more social, thats all. Thats the way i read it anyway, and is a valid statement.
I am not missing the point, though the points has changed during this thread. Might want to read again.
Also, to your point, there are normal dungeons and trials that offer a more relaxed environment. No stress as far as DPS goes. I happen to lead raids in a more moderate guild that raids the normal trials for fun and social aspects. So, there are already activities available that meet what you describe.
Also, the OP did start with asking to be able to create content as can be done in a different game that happens to be a second or third tier MMORPG, though he did change his tune to what seemed to be Zos creating additional content specifically for guilds. Also, adding a private guild currency as you speak of is something Zos will never do. Just does not make sense in this game.
In the end, social guild that have creative members in their leadership do create activities for their members. I have seen this as well.
Guild leaders can already put together a group and choose a dungeon to do or anything else. Zos is not going to instance anything that is currently open world for guilds, or anyone else.
Zos has already created content that can be performed by guild groups, or any other group that chooses to form up. It is called dungeons and trials, arenas. Heck, we are getting a new trial in a month that is particularly different than what we have in game ATM.
Guilds use these for activities all the time.
However, any aspect of that idea you mentioned part way through has nothing to do with what your OP states. Your OP was about actually creating new content
Missing the point slightly. We know trials exist and pvp is there also. Guild wars have trials, dungeon, pvp, wvw also. But they also have "guild mission" as more of a social setting, removing the 'stress and dps' requirements allowing all members to enjoy something together (also they have a guild currency allowing them to spend it on/in a guild house also)
Op's not asking to copy and paste other games, but consider making this mmo more social, thats all. Thats the way i read it anyway, and is a valid statement.
I am not missing the point, though the points has changed during this thread. Might want to read again.
Also, to your point, there are normal dungeons and trials that offer a more relaxed environment. No stress as far as DPS goes. I happen to lead raids in a more moderate guild that raids the normal trials for fun and social aspects. So, there are already activities available that meet what you describe.
Also, the OP did start with asking to be able to create content as can be done in a different game that happens to be a second or third tier MMORPG, though he did change his tune to what seemed to be Zos creating additional content specifically for guilds. Also, adding a private guild currency as you speak of is something Zos will never do. Just does not make sense in this game.
In the end, social guild that have creative members in their leadership do create activities for their members. I have seen this as well.