I realized that I don't craft super often, and that I have a lot of style items. I have the craft bag, so inventory isn't the issue, so much as wondering if I'm missing out on selling them. I wanted to get some advice or opinions before I decide what to do.
Here are some questions I was thinking of. You don't have to answer any/all of them directly, especially if you have experience selling style items. It's mainly a guideline.
- Do you tend to try to manage your style items or just let them gather and sit?
- When you have a style you like, do you tend to buy them from the store, go farm them, or do you usually already have plenty?
- For crafters, are there styles that are pretty frequently asked for?
- Are there (non-basic) style items that you have way too much of?
I feel like I had more considerations, but I can't think of them at the moment.If I do, I'll add them.
X1/NA (GT: Dite Hart)
Dite Dielle - Breton Templar
- Full 9-trait crafter
- Knows 41 motif styles
- Covenant, Dominion, and Starter-Island Master Angler