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Will discontinued items ever end up returning to the Crown Store?

I ask because of some of the pets and mounts I saw were discontinued BEFORE I started playing ESO. Anyone think they should, though?

Just figured I'd at least state that I hope they do at some point, since I never even got the chance to purchase things like the Hist Guar, Haj Mota Hatchling, Frost Mare, or Infernal Sep Adder. :(
  • MAEK
    Things have returned in crown crates, and will most likely continue to do so. The only items I can think of that has come back for direct purchase though is some halloween themed stuff.

    For example the Frost Mare returned in the storm atronach crates.
    Edited by MAEK on September 16, 2017 7:24AM
  • Turelus
    MAEK wrote: »
    Things have returned in crown crates, and will most likely continue to do so. The only items I can think of that has come back for direct purchase though is some halloween themed stuff.
    As said by MAEK items come back in the Crown Crates sometimes. Other items have come back in starter bundles, during events (that they were linked to) etc.
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • TonyRockaroni
    MAEK wrote: »
    For example the Frost Mare returned in the storm atronach crates.

    When I joined, it was the Wild Hunt Crates that were available...dang it! And it would've fit my winter-themed Khajiit warden so well! DX
  • Mystrius_Archaion
    Well, they may bring the stag mount(aka reindeer) back with the upcoming winter event or a future crate. You'll find something you like eventually.
  • Octopuss
    I thought the crown crates ONLY give you the current theme stuff, and not old content.

    Anyway, I am in the same boat. I am being punished for not buying the game a year ago or something. I want to give them my money, and I cannot because of this idiotic approach of removing stuff from the store.
    Edited by Octopuss on September 18, 2017 11:25AM
  • Hanokihs
    Octopuss wrote: »
    I thought the crown crates ONLY give you the current theme stuff, and not old content.

    Anyway, I am in the same boat. I am being punished for not buying the game a year ago or something. I want to give them my money, and I cannot because of this idiotic approach of removing stuff from the store.

    They pick an assortment of old items to go in each new crate series as lower/mid tier rewards. Most have pretty much nothing to do with the season at hand: Dro' Senche came back with Dwarven items, Frost Mare returned with Storm Atronach items, etc. Not sure what makes them decide an item is or isn't ready to reappear, but it is what it is.

    I'd like if they left things for perpetual purchase, but if that were the case, I'd also want them to reorganize/redesign the storefront. All the tabbing and scrolling is already annoying and some people have posted about not being able to find specific items they're looking for.
    "I haven't really played much yet, but lemme tell you all about how the game should include X and be a lot more like Y!" - Half the posters on this forum.
    "I've been here for years, and lemme tell you all about how they should never change or evolve Z, because then the game would be ruined forever." - The other half of posters on this forum.
  • Skjoldur
    Crown crates are the worst place to bring back old and limited time stuff. But ZOS and Bethesda have been on a greedy trip for some time now.

    I wonder when we will see the first job offer for "Microtransaction Marketing Specialists".

    Not to mention that they are taking full advantage of online and gambling addictions.

    It is a shame what has become of the gaming industry.
    Edited by Skjoldur on September 19, 2017 9:27AM
  • NordDK
    I don't understand the logic behind removing some of these non-event themed items from the crown store. I bought this game about a month ago, and have really enjoyed playing through the base game content. I already have a character at 180 cp and was looking forward to gearing up for end-game dungeons and eventually trials.

    Naturally, I started looking up decent builds online and realized I would be relying heavily on dropped sets and monster sets. My problem with this, is that all of these endgame sets tend to look like hideous patchwork creations to me. I realize this might seem like a petty complaint, but the roleplaying aspect of MMO's has always been a big deal to me and having a character that I don't like the look of takes a lot of the fun out of the game.

    At first I didn't think this would be a problem, I'm entirely OK with handing over some extra cash for cosmetic items, in this case I was specifically looking for costumes with an armored knight/adventurer aesthetic. A quick browse through the shop only gave me one option, the armored knight pack. As a Nord, it just doesn't seem right to don full Breton knight armor, so I searched online to see if anything else might be available soon. The one thing I found that fit the aesthetic i wanted to a T was a discontinued set called the Treasure Hunter costume. It seemed strange to me that it was discontinued, seeing as it's not an event related item or anything. I had hoped to see it return as a lower tier reward in the new crown crate season, but no such luck.

    So here I sit, credit card in hand, wanting to pay ZOS money for content they've already created and they refuse to have it. I get that ZOS is probably pulling in a lot of money and really don't care much whether an individual like me decides to subscribe to eso+ or not, so unfortunately I'll probably just switch to another MMO that caters to both the min/maxing and roleplaying aspects that I'm looking for.
    Edited by NordDK on September 22, 2017 7:53PM
  • iiYuki
    Personally I think the limited time ones should stay limited but the crates one should probably come back, they'll hopefully repeat them a few time and add some stuff in.
    "Play how you want... unless its not how we intended you to play in which case we'll nerf it".
    - ZO$

    - The ZO$ Theme Song:
  • TaintedKurse
    I ask because of some of the pets and mounts I saw were discontinued BEFORE I started playing ESO. Anyone think they should, though?

    Just figured I'd at least state that I hope they do at some point, since I never even got the chance to purchase things like the Hist Guar, Haj Mota Hatchling, Frost Mare, or Infernal Sep Adder. :(

    I'm assuming that ZOS is just going to keep putting together new crown crates featuring stuff from old crates and limited stuff on the store.

    I would assume just about anything is on the table except the striped senche, the monkey, and other promotional items.
  • Sheezabeast
    I wish the Chef costume would come back, I only got the Blacksmith one :(
    Grand Master Crafter, Beta baby who grew with the game. PC/NA. @Sheezabeast if you have crafting needs!
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