As a solo/small scale PvP main, I have used and fought against both the resto and 1h/s ultimates. These ultimates are very powerful and are indeed over performing in some scenarios.
Now, hold on to your rage caps. Many will argue that these ultimates are 100% overperforming in every scenario. I would argue they really only over perform in 1v1 scenarios where you can go full offensive without having to worry about survivability for 7ish seconds. If I can use Dawnbreaker to burst down 20 potatoes at once I should also be able use a defensive ultimate to survive 20 potatoes.
I won't go into heavy detail as I am about to eat pizza, however I suggest that the base uptime for the 1h/s and resto ultimates be decreased to 1-2 seconds but be increased by 1.5 seconds for every unique enemy that hits them. So for all my mathematicians out there, when fighting 1 opponent the duration of the ultimate would be 2.5 seconds (1+1.5) [or 1 second vs a smart opponent], 4 against 2 opponents, 5.5 against 3 etc. Oh ya, and I suppose it should have a cap. I think 20 seconds sounds fair ^>^ (<-this one jokes)
I think this would be a fair change the allows counter play in all pvp scenarios and will still allow me to be a potato farmer.
I've heard people complaining just not necessarily on forums, I'll even put myself in that bandwagon.
Between sturdy block cost reduction & things like blood spawn & the decisive trait, in a one on one pvp scenario, maybe even a 2 or more on one scenario, the "pvp tank" as we'll call him, can swap between permablocking & resto/snb ult too frequently; all they need is to apply a slight healing reduction by poison or other means & there isn't much counter play.
This "tank meta", in my opinion is causing DK's, templars, wardens, sorcs, & nightblades too be overpowered & nerfs need to happen.
Cyrodiil is supposed to be for pvp yet no one is killing anyone because we're all too busy blocking & spamming defensive ults!
GrumpyDuckling wrote: »What kind of pizza?
I've heard people complaining just not necessarily on forums, I'll even put myself in that bandwagon.
Between sturdy block cost reduction & things like blood spawn & the decisive trait, in a one on one pvp scenario, maybe even a 2 or more on one scenario, the "pvp tank" as we'll call him, can swap between permablocking & resto/snb ult too frequently; all they need is to apply a slight healing reduction by poison or other means & there isn't much counter play.
This "tank meta", in my opinion is causing DK's, templars, wardens, sorcs, & nightblades too be overpowered & nerfs need to happen.
Cyrodiil is supposed to be for pvp yet no one is killing anyone because we're all too busy blocking & spamming defensive ults!