ZOS cares about their product so they will listen to feedback and follow trends to get data.
However I think people do need to realise as you say ZOS can't cater to every personal opinion or group of opinions if it goes against what they're trying to create.
So many threads here where people complain about this and that and they demand changes which would satisfie their personal wishes. What do you guys think is this here? How can you expect that zos would give a damn on your personal wishes? You paid (or not) to play a game, not to demand changing it for you cause you are bored.
ZOS cares about their product so they will listen to feedback and follow trends to get data.
However I think people do need to realise as you say ZOS can't cater to every personal opinion or group of opinions if it goes against what they're trying to create.
So many threads here where people complain about this and that and they demand changes which would satisfie their personal wishes. What do you guys think is this here? How can you expect that zos would give a damn on your personal wishes? You paid (or not) to play a game, not to demand changing it for you cause you are bored.
Ihatenightblades wrote: »They promised guaranteed 30 fps even in trials on the upcoming xbox one.
Pc people have NOOOOO right to complain about lag and FPS. Pc on its worst day is nowhere near console fps.
Trials i get no more than 15 fps everrrr. I never seen pc player playing under 15 fps and thats including trials.
But ya pc has better specs than console atm so that's that
I really want them to come through on that fps fix hardly ANY people do trials on xbox and we all know why. Performance issues