What would make more sense to me - as has been suggested by others in previous threads - is having the race change token automatically change your character to the alliance corresponding to the race you're changing into, as well as the changing the race itself.
witchdoctor wrote: »What would make more sense to me - as has been suggested by others in previous threads - is having the race change token automatically change your character to the alliance corresponding to the race you're changing into, as well as the changing the race itself.
But what if I wanted to change my Dunmer to a Redguard but stay EP?
TheShadowScout wrote: »Personally I think faction change would be a good thing for ESO - If done Right!
Tommy_The_Gun wrote: »Why to have faction at all after One Tamriel ? Sure - you could still pick your starting location (any race any alliance seems like the only reason for faction to exists at this point).
It would be so much better if AvA Campaigns would allow you to pick a side when you first time enter a campaign and then (for the duration of campaign) prevented you from re-logging to different side of conflict and basically switch teams...
I would still rather see them change the system to only have factions matter during Cyrodiil campaigns.
You sign you account up to a faction each campaign season and are locked with that faction, you can change any time there after or if you change home campaign (with AP cost) having us more like mercenaries.
This would also help with the whole lore issues in the PvE zones of why an EP character would help DC etc.
The last official word I ever heard on faction change was way back when they were bringing out the other "change" service tokens... and that was, they are considering it. (it was in some ESO live I think, back around the time of those releases... so, over a year ago?) Haven't heard anything new since...Any official word on this ?
I would still rather see them change the system to only have factions matter during Cyrodiil campaigns.
You sign you account up to a faction each campaign season and are locked with that faction, you can change any time there after or if you change home campaign (with AP cost) having us more like mercenaries.
This would also help with the whole lore issues in the PvE zones of why an EP character would help DC etc.
Because it would only work for people with the 'every race, every alliance' perk and that could cause a lot of problems (i.e. people buying the token only to find out they can't use it). Having it work without the perk would devalue the perk itself, and probably cause even more grief with the players who've paid for it.
What would make more sense to me - as has been suggested by others in previous threads - is having the race change token automatically change your character to the alliance corresponding to the race you're changing into, as well as the changing the race itself.
Dottzgaming wrote: »I would still rather see them change the system to only have factions matter during Cyrodiil campaigns.
You sign you account up to a faction each campaign season and are locked with that faction, you can change any time there after or if you change home campaign (with AP cost) having us more like mercenaries.
This would also help with the whole lore issues in the PvE zones of why an EP character would help DC etc.
Something like this, or nothing. Personally? im in a fan of no race changes in this game.
The issue you run in to with faction changes is that one faction can become HEAVILY populated while the others die, and this was extremely evident in wow and why im surprised the OP used wow as an argument in support of their cause. During Warlords of Draenor when the popular streamers flocked to the Alliance, all of their fans followed them. This caused the Alliance to have over 95% of the active PvP population while the horde had 5%. Good luck trying to find arena partners if you played horde or trying to get into a competent random / rated BG group. You were basically forced to change factions to PvP.
My fear is that if faction changes become enabled in ESO, the same thing will happen here, and i dont see a situation in which it doesnt.
NewBlacksmurf wrote: »Because it would only work for people with the 'every race, every alliance' perk and that could cause a lot of problems (i.e. people buying the token only to find out they can't use it). Having it work without the perk would devalue the perk itself, and probably cause even more grief with the players who've paid for it.
What would make more sense to me - as has been suggested by others in previous threads - is having the race change token automatically change your character to the alliance corresponding to the race you're changing into, as well as the changing the race itself.
I disagree with the above.
The only logical way to address this is to not have a token at all. AND to require a faction choice upon joining a campaign. That choice would be account wide for PvP only and last until that campaign ends which then unbinds the faction until either you choose to join th next campaign where all three choices are open again. Now it’s based on population and makes joining any campaign a strategic and meaningful decision but not one that you’re stuck with.
Also it should alleviate PvE issues where faction should no longer matter in general other than the solo only stories.
While it may read as odd, for PvP people should be aligned with one but not have to pay to swap as well as not be locked in due to the major changes over the last few years.
Thoughts @ZOS_RichLambert ?
What are you all thinking if anything for 2018?
Dottzgaming wrote: »I would still rather see them change the system to only have factions matter during Cyrodiil campaigns.
You sign you account up to a faction each campaign season and are locked with that faction, you can change any time there after or if you change home campaign (with AP cost) having us more like mercenaries.
This would also help with the whole lore issues in the PvE zones of why an EP character would help DC etc.
Something like this, or nothing. Personally? im in a fan of no race changes in this game.
The issue you run in to with faction changes is that one faction can become HEAVILY populated while the others die, and this was extremely evident in wow and why im surprised the OP used wow as an argument in support of their cause. During Warlords of Draenor when the popular streamers flocked to the Alliance, all of their fans followed them. This caused the Alliance to have over 95% of the active PvP population while the horde had 5%. Good luck trying to find arena partners if you played horde or trying to get into a competent random / rated BG group. You were basically forced to change factions to PvP.
My fear is that if faction changes become enabled in ESO, the same thing will happen here, and i dont see a situation in which it doesnt.
Yeah I see your point, BUT
in WoW there were only 2 alliances, here there are 3.
and in the beginning of the game it was to me and many others not clear that you would be able to SEE the land of the other factions as well, so what did we do, we made at least one character in every faction!
Then later on as it came obvious with Caldwells Silver and Gold that we would see all of it, I deleted 2 chars, but those in the last other alliance I got so dear that I will not ever delete them. Now one is my banker and the other a dusty old rot in dark street of Deshaan.
Oh and I am Horde in WoW!