Does character creation need an update

You know to make certain sliders bigger or even more options in general, I for one would like to see a bigger chest slider
Edited by bloodthirstyvampire on September 10, 2017 5:44PM
  • Slack
    ...I for one would like to see a bigger chest slider


    PC EU
    Betty Breeze - Magwarden
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  • Mettaricana
    Id like bigger chest slider atleast 4 more clicks also calves slider i want thick thighs and hips but not tree trunk ankles. Skull slider too wider and taller head options.
    Edited by Mettaricana on September 10, 2017 5:53PM
  • Seraphayel
    Character creation is fine. The problem is that every race looks the same, has mostly the same stature and shares 99% of haircuts, tattoos etc.

    I just wish that every race would be specific like in GW2, FFXIV or WoW. In ESO there is "one base model" for every race and that's lame.
    Aldmeri Dominion
    - Khajiit Arcanist -
  • Akrasjel
    Of course not
    [PC][EU][Daggerfall Covenant]
    Akrasjel Lanate - Imperial Nightblade | 50 | CP900+
    Born: 2E 551

    Member of: | Traders of the Covenant | Hammerfell Trading | Imperial Trading Company |
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  • ThePrinceOfBargains
    Bleh, the chest slider. A boon and potentially a curse. Many of these otherwise good-looking characters I see are completely ruined by their comically-sized breasts.

    The character creator does need some added options, though. I'd like to be able to increase shoulder size without making the torso huge. And too many of the options hardly make a difference. They were trying to keep people from making outlandish characters, but doing that just limits legitimate character creation. They especially shouldn't care now considering they let players run around dressed up as evil jack-o-lanterns.
    Edited by ThePrinceOfBargains on September 10, 2017 6:27PM
  • KeiruNicrom
    If all these collectables i bought could be added to character creation i would be happy. Beyond that i dont think character creation needs a change
  • platonicidealgirlfriend
    i dunno, i was already able to make all my female characters perfectly flat. If the chest slider was any bigger it'd start inverting.
  • MehrunesFlagon
    You know to make certain sliders bigger or even more options in general, I for one would like to see a bigger chest slider

    if they increased it. I only hope the fact I set it to max in the first place makes my current toons boobs bigger.
  • Chronicburn
    Chest slider and posterior dimensions are inadequate
  • AFrostWolf
    It needs to not time the *** out so easily.
  • red_emu
    I need a bulge slider ;)

    No but really... it needs a proper update. Why does the nord have the same body as an altmer? And why the Bosmer look so old and wrinkly even when the age slider is at minimum?
    PC - EU:
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    Falathren Infernis - AD MagDK
    Your-Ex - AD MagBlade
  • Appleblade
    I'd like a couple temp save slots to save a state I can get back to if my tweaking goes wrong.

    Have my appearance collection available in the creator.

    Small tool tips with each slider. Just a number for most. Maybe hex value for color sliders? Make it easier to share character designs.

    Several different lighting situations.
  • Appleblade
    i dunno, i was already able to make all my female characters perfectly flat. If the chest slider was any bigger it'd start inverting.

    But it would count as bonus inventory slots. :)
  • Metafae
    I am a little bit disappointed that the fat scale was just not large enough for female characters..

    I wanted to make a large and in charge woman but instead all I got was big *** and ass. I don't want people saying my toon is Thicc. I wanted to make a large woman that can tell it like it is but also supply everyone with delicious home made meals and pesters you to eat it saying you don't have enough meat on your bones..
  • Rosveen
    I completely agree. My Nord's massive manly chest isn't nearly massive enough.
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