No characters on my account are able to use the exploiter passive, it isn't just an addon error, I am not actually receiving the extra damage from the passive/off balance. I have tested this to no end, reset armour, addons, weapons, champion points. I have 75 in Thaumaturge on 2 different characters, when testing with self applied Shock wall I get anything from 75%-85% off balance uptime, but never more than 2% Off balance exploited. When testing with somebody else applying shock wall, we both get around 90% off balance uptime, they get 70-90% off balance exploited and I again get no more then 2%. This has been tested on many dummies in different houses, on world bosses, and in dungeons
I tested the damage values of myself with and without a shock wall applied under the same circumstances, and saw no notable difference akin to the off balance exploiter cp perk.
Any ideas as to why this is happening?