Hi all,
I'm searching for a guild that has openings for DPS and tank players. I've found it difficult to run some vet dungeons (mostly the DLC ones) and trials with pickup groups, as a lot of times, inexperienced players will queue up, not really knowing what they're doing. I don't mean any offense to those players, do what makes you happy, but I would like to conquer some of the more challenging content in the game, preferably with a core group of players that I can count on to fill their roles. I don't consider myself to be the best player ever, by any means, but I believe that I have the DPS and tanking capabilities to competently fill my role in hardmode veteran dungeons and trials. I have done a few normal trials in pickup groups, and it went ok, but I have never done a veteran trial, as I've never had a group to go with and I heard that using pickup groups for vet trials is nearly impossible.
Here's a breakdown of how I play, in case anyone is wondering
615 CP
I main a high elf magicka DK for DPS, sets I use are Burning Spellweave and Silks of the Sun, 18k hp, 42k magicka, 1800 mag recovery, and about 3k spell damage buffed (ends up around 3.5k when BSW procs, but SotS doesn't actually show in spell damage screen)
I also play a wood elf stam NB DPS, but I don't bring this one out for PvE content as much, 16k hp, 39k stam, 1500 stam regen, 3k weapon damage, sets are Hundings and Spriggans
My tank is a redguard DK, 46k health, 40k physical and 44k spell resist. Gear is Lord Warden 2pc, 5pc armor master, and S&B is Lekis for weapon damage.
If you have a guild that runs higher-level content with openings for someone like me, I'd love to hear about it! Or if you want to talk builds/pass some advice on to me, I'm all ears for that too. Thanks for your time!