M'aiq knows much, tells some. M'aiq knows many things others do not -M’aiq the Liar
A Khajiit is never defenseless as long as one's claws are sharp - Ancient Khajiiti proverb
Pacrooti practices Whispering Fang, a powerful martial art. He met a Khajiit today, master of Goutfang, an opposing style. Khajiit and Pacrooti had words, and nearly began a contest to decide the superior method, but a mage appeared and lit the Goutfang master ablaze. Pacrooti escaped with the "Senche Leaps" technique. Whispering Fang never loses! -Pacrooti, Crown Crate Hustler/hireling
Little is known about the Whispering Fang. This is how we like it. Secretive is our nature. Bloody is our work. We are thought to be peaceful warrior-monks by the few who have ever heard our name. The facade has worked. We are everywhere. We are the Whispering Fang Syndicate.
We are a PC/NA guild who does pretty much everything (PvE, PvP, social, trading, beginner training, and trials). We are currently at 250 members, and are looking for new, experienced, and returning members alike to join our ranks. We have various activities scheduled throughout the week such as World boss/delve/dolmen/skyshard zone runs, beginner dungeon runs, normal trials runs 4x a week, and soon, PvP. Our members are very friendly and active, and are available to help with other needs that may arise, such as crafting items or role advice.
Blue training armor, glyphs, and weapons for beginner players available free of charge for guild members, up to cp150. CP160 equipment available to craft for very reasonable prices.
Send a mail to
@binarybandit, or leave a comment on our Discord if you are interested in joining.
I do not check these forums frequently. Please contact me on discord or in game. We also have a discord voice channel that is pretty active, if you like socializing.
The guild is also very active duty and veteran friendly and to their dependents, since i'm a veteran and my wife, who runs the guild with me, is a dependent.
Guild schedule of events:
Sunday: Raffle/Auction/Zone run
Monday: Normal Trials(cp160+), 6 PM PST
Tuesday: TBD
Wednesday: Dungeons for Beginners , 6 PM PST, Normal Trials(cp160+), 6 PM PST
Thursday: TBD
Friday:Normal Trials(cp160+) , 6 PM PST
Saturday: Normal Trials(cp160+), 6 PM PST
Guildmaster of Whispering Fang Syndicate [PC/NA], a beginners/social/PvE/normal+ vet trials guild
Guildmaster of Whispering Fang Bazaar [PC/NA], a beginner friendly trading guild. Learn from us how to make gold!