The name Champion Mode is just a suggestion. It could be another if you want. The point is:
Some people want a "third" level of difficulty for the dungeons and trials. I don't agree. Well, this is one of the biggest problems of other MMOs, like WoW. On the other hand, the idea of "Hard Mode" is interesting, because what changes is only the last boss. That's a less dull idea. Very good, ZOS!
So my idea is about a harder difficulty than the Hard Mode: Champion Mode, or Heroic Mode, or whatever.
Why? What would be the reward? Gold jewelry! Yes! Before you face the last boss of the dungeons, you can choose between Hard Mode and Champion Mode. The golden jewels would be Pledge reward! That would limit access a bit, since there is a dungeon rotation.
Example: Let's suppose you want a Scathing Mage ring or necklace. You'll have to wait for the Imperial City Prision Pledge! The jewelry will be bound and random. It could be a ring, it could be a necklace. Depending on the set, it can be Healthy, Robust or Arcane. It's obvious that the reward will not be limited to a golden jewel. You will receive 3 keys to the Pledge chest!
Some dungeons don't have the scroll. This is not a problem. ZOS can add new mechanics to Champion Mode.
Remember that this Mode is for players with a lot of Champion Points. 600+! Only experienced players would be able to complete. Like I said, the golden jewelry will be bound. You will not be able to sell in Guild Trader, just like any other dungeon/trial set.
P.S.: We can go further if you want to. I've been thinking of a "level" system for Champion Mode. The higher the level, the greater the difficulty, the greater the reward. In this additional idea, there would be Champion Mode level 1, 2, 3 etc. In that case, it would increase Boss's life, damage, and defense without additional mechanics. How would it work?
Champion Mode, lvl 1: Will be the same "Champion Mode" described above. With the same rewards, 3 keys and a golden jewel.
Champion Mode, lvl 2: Bosses even harder, but without additional mechanics. Reward? 4 keys!
Champion Mode, lvl 3: Bosses even harder, but without additional mechanics. Reward? 5 keys!
In Champion Mode, you will ALWAYS receive only ONE gold jewel, regardless of level.
So what do you guys think? Feel free to give us your opinion.