First of all, this is
NOT my own thread. This is made by "XxSyLissxX" on Reddit. The reason I "Share" this, is to let people know how to fix and make ESO run better.
(For users that did not know this before). (And I do not know whether this post was posted here already.)
I have made all these changes and some other tweaks like my other post here (FPS Uncap). The outcome is: AWESOME. I run ESO on 144FPS. Even in crowded places it does not go under 120.
Sometimes around 70-80 but that is due server (too much prosessing - NPC's, 500+ Players in 1 Place, etc, etc.)
Please read this post in it's entirety due to the multiple edits that have been added in order to achieve success with your particular PC.
Well I really took the time to dissect frame rate issues and ever since the patch I have been running at 4k on a 55 inch HDTV and for the first time silky smooth with no more micro stutters on an Nvidia 900 series card compared to 30ish with lots of stuttering. ( unless im in a city, a micro stutter here and there but even then Ive found a solution to this as well.)
I want to resolve your issue without alienating a specific brand of cards, lets start with the 2 or 3 most generalized settings that anyone can attempt which should resolve a majority of your issues. (Or at the very least drastically improve your current performance issues.)
Lets locate your usersettings.ini file for ESO. Typically this is located in documents\elder scrolls online\live. Make sure to make a COPY of this file before proceeding. Go ahead and edit the file with notepad or word pad (I prefer notepad++) and were going to be looking for some specific settings to modify.
The very first one to search for is:
SET HIGH_RESOLUTION_SHADOWS. Yours will probably say 1. CHANGE that to "0". (Now this is not to be confused with actual shadow quality, but whether or not the shadows are hard edged or soft. Believe it or not, it actually looks more realistic with this setting to "0" AND has a huge impact on performance in a positive manner.
Search for SET GPUSmoothingFrames and make sure it is set to "0" as you see above. (And this is more of a Graphical enhancement, a real nice one with minimal loss of performance)
Do this MIP LOAD Texture tweak last after everything is running silky smooth, as it can cause performance decrease on some older pc's or laptops.) Search for SET MIP_LOAD_SKIP_LEVELS . Its probably at 0 or higher. Set it to "-3" Youll be astounded at the detail of the characters and buildings all of a sudden. no more blurry textures.
Go ahead and save your changes. The next thing I've noticed is if your running with nvidia, your better off NOT running sli, Changing your sli options to dedicate your second card as a physx card.
THEN, (And this is crucial.) Make an ESO profile by clicking on the ADD button in manage 3d settings after youve launched the game at least once and have closed it so it appears in the list.
Now choose V-sync and change it to Adaptive. Then turn ON triple buffer. (yes, yes I hear everyone saying you must be "Kah-razzii" but for shyts and giggles, stick with me and make those changes.
Also change multi display power to single display and to prefer maximum performance under power management right below. As for Ati users I have no clue if there is an adaptive setting for your v-sync. Get back to me with what settings you have as At and for now just try those usersettings.ini file changes. Also make sure to play in FULLSCREEN Mode. not windowed mode. and to turn off the in game Vsync. Just force those vsync options through your control panel. As far as load times, IT typically takes a minute or so to load the game initially when logging in. Once your in, give your mouse a few spins to load the textures n stuff, wait a minute and enjoy your improved smoother gaming experience.
I'll come back with part 2 and more tweaks, but try those out and let me know if it helps you guys out. P.s. for testing purposes, disable your addons when loading for the first time after the changes ive mentioned above then re enable them once you see the improvements. (this is to ensure we are eliminating any addon issues like MM or Daedra Twilight auction house stuff that takes about 5 minutes for the game to gather the newest prices every time you log in, ohh and especially mini map and Resource map. those things are HOGS. I have a solution for that as well, but one step at a time. (Takes deep breathe....Exhales.) Okay, ive completed my ADD thought process and have splurged enough text in this reply. Im goin back in to enjoy some sexii smooth 4k 6ofps ESO gaming. I'll create a separate thread if this starts helping peeps.
Edit 1: Ohh yea, and I almost forgot, in the in game settings, change the draw distance from 100 to 75 or 80ish and drop the particles as well quite a bit. Im gonna go in game and get the exact name of what im referring to. Those help tremendously as well with no real noticeable graphic difference but huge performance difference.
EDIT 2: Im really glad to hear lots of positive feedback regarding these optimizations. As for the Turning on Triple buffer and Vsyc to adaptive, this will work for most, but there are a minor few where this doesnt help. At the very least, edit that user.settings.ini file. Then experiment from there.
EDIT 3: those that may have some stuttering issues still (Which is quite rare at this point) Make sure to leave anistropic filtering in your control panel to application controlled and turn off Anti aliasing transparency as well. Actually Im going to create a new thread with pics while Im still groovin in Tech support Mode... =p
Edit 4: once again, make sure to turn off all addons, then enable them one by one in order to properly troubleshoot your system. The big culprit is mini map addon atm, (But it always has been a hog.)
ESO Control Panel settings pg 1:

ESO Control Panel settings pg 2:

UserSettings.ini Pic with changes:
DSR (Dynamic Super Resolution) Global Control Panel settings:
EDIT 5: Also, when making drastic changes such as I've recommended above, I would like to advise everyone to NOT apply them all at once. First, JUST apply the usersettings.ini changes ONLY. Then start the game, if your pc seems to suffer from this it is b/c of only 1 setting that enhances the texture quality, and that is the SET TEXTURE MIP MAP. so just change that back to what it was (Typically "0" instead of "-3" ) Then save and give the game a try again without the Nvidia control panal changes.
The Nvidia control panel changes should be done one by one, saved and then tested each time. I should have clarified that for everyone. And This all revolves around properly using DYNAMIC SUPER RESOLUTION of which I did not get a chance to get into yesterday. My next lunch break is coming up and I'll be sure to go over that step in detail which quite frankly is probably thee most important change to combine with the usersettings.ini Changes. I Promise you, it'll be an even bigger difference in performance and quality. Overall though its very nice to see all of the positive PM's and feedback From this to make your online ESO gaming experience the best it can BE for this Gorgeous game!!
From some rummaging around, I found a nice pic of the usersettings.ini and the changes with a good explanation of what they do. Again, as you can see in this example exactly what the SET MIP_MAP setting does in game. This is the one option I would not turn on if you experience a lower fps issue on your system.
EDIT 6: As Requested, here are the Before and AFTER Screenshots once these settings are applied. But actually experiencing the increased performance and silky smooth game play with all this high detail is something quite remarkable. And I will do everything I can for everyone else on PC to enjoy it at this fidelity and performance.
EDIT 7: Stuttering performance fix. Edit usersettings.txt file and search for the following SET items. change the values to "0" SET RequestedNumJobThreads "0" SET RequestedNumWorkerThreads "0"
Update 2. Doing so got rid of the stutter (HELL YEA) and the FPS drops, but for a minor few added in a 60-120secs long loading screens for some. (For me the load times seem shorter actually!) Personally, I can deal with loading screens, I cant deal with in game stuttering. RESOLVED!
EDIT 8: DSR Setup, the final piece of the performance puzzle. As I dont think I could explain it any better than the article that taught me about DSR some time ago, Here is a fantastic complete guide to setting up Dynamic Super Resolution and Cements all of the tweaks I've listed above to run super silky smooth with great detail.
http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=509076Edit 9: Why are we ONLY using 10% of our CPU power by default in Windows? Windows parked cores and how to unpark them. If there's ONE tweak I'd recommend you do/try.
ALL your games once you unpark your cores) is by downloading this free tool and unparking your CPU then rebooting.
The performance jump is quite remarkable across the board.
Unzip and right click on the file and choose Run as administrator. "Once you have started “Manage Parked CPU Utility,” you have to press “Check status button” to allow program to search registry for the keys and values that are responsible for the “core parking”. "

Youll see your results which most likely will come up as parked. IF this is the case, your in for a REAL surprise in performance in ALL your games. PERIOD.

Note that for the change to take effect you will have to reboot your machine. Also Utility should run with Administrator privileges in order to be able to access registry. This utility does not require installation. Give me some feedback as to how this works out for you guys. Enjoy some EPIC gaming.
EDIT 10: I noticed I didnt mention a very simple yet important change to increase performance. When your game'S running, Be sure to Alt+Tab out onto your desktop and if your using the regular Game launcher to close the launcher s manually as it stays open if you are not using a seperate third party launcher like ESOLAuncher. MORE importantly though is to raise the priority level of the game.
When back in your desktop hit CTRL+SHIFT+ESC. This will open your task manager. Find the eso.ese that is running, right click and change priority to above normal or High. (I personally use high.) Very nice increase in Fps. This is another tip that can be used with any game your running on your PC as well. Enjoy! - Set priority "high" on the "eso.exe" process
Hello Everyone, I'm back with a few more tweaks for ESO this time regarding performance improvements after the newest Orsinium Release and help with fixing long load screen times.
Have you Dived into the new DLC with intense excitement only to find your system crawling to a halt when loading in the huge mountainous area of Orcish delight we been irresistibly waiting for in anticipation?
Well here are some solutions for you that as always, Really increase performance with nearly Zero image quality loss. First, goto your settings in game then video and locate Shadow quality. Shadow quality is a setting that is so intrinsic and tied directly to not only overall performance of the game engine, but your LOAD SCREENS. Typically this is set to high or ultra. Change this setting to low. This will not reduce the fidelity of graphics, but will inform the game engine to not draw EVERY single shadow in existence for miles.
Just whats in your general visual area. NOTE: After changing this setting, you WILL experience 1 really long load screen since this will force the game to rebuild your Shader cache file. Once it rebuilds and optimizes it. Youll notice not only a much smoother gameplay experience, But shorter load times as well once you start exploring again.
Second, In the same menu there is Water quality.
This can be set to medium instead of high. Again there is no visual loss in quality, just the amount of shader info that needs to be drawn and processed. And finally the Slider bars below that. My view distance is at 100 for Cyrodil or IC but Ill set it to 80ish or 70ish If im looking for that extra framerate and smoothness in cities or just when im on a laptop that doesnt perform as well as my home pc. The other 2 slider bars are all the way to the left at their minimal settings. this really comes into play with Group raids or lots of npc's and creatures come onto the screen at the same time. Stay tuned for more tips and tricks and performance relief only available here on this Mega ESO Tech Thread...
https://www.reddit.com/r/elderscrollsonline/comments/3jjoql/are_you_having_fps_issues_wih_eso_on_a_pc_well/?st=iqh6tqsw&sh=8a3305fbTL;DR: Not available.