krisor67_ESO wrote: »Would be awesome to have a house in Coldharbour, nice and creepy looking......YES!! But any idea when that will be?
Personally, I hope there's a house on it. I'm not gonna pay real money for an empty rock. It's hard enough to decorate a house with the low item limit, imagine how hard it'll be if you have to build the house yourself and then decorate it.arpadsweb16_ESO wrote: »Whatever it is, I hope it's not a building, but simply a chunk of flattened rock which floats in Coldharbour.
Having an Imperial or some other racial home dumped there would ruin a lot of the atmosphere.
Sanguiness130 wrote: »Daedric ruin or the like would be amazing! But yeah, the general consensus appears to be that it will be released when the Halloween event occurs.
If they release both at once, I'll bet one will be a permanent crown store sale, and the other will be a limited time offer. The witch's hut requires a festival achievement to purchase (from what I understand), so my guess is the hut will be the limited time house.Unless we get two homes at once, I think we are probably getting the witch hut for Halloween. We may not see the Coldharbour Estate until the next big content patch since it wasn't on PTS.
Krainor1974 wrote: »I hope they add some achievement and CS items like a active flaming oblivion gate. I been wanting one of those. Some more npcs like the shriven: ww, vamp, Daedra to buy n place in homes
I would like a Coldharbor House, but I would like it in the Hollow City not out in the wilderness. Sure, it can give you more room to do stuff if you have a dedicated space. But I think this one should be in the HC.
There are a few buildings in the Hollowcity that could be turned into Housing.
Then again, make one for the City and one for a floating island somewhere or other plot of land.
Sanguiness130 wrote: »They released it out on the PTS last I checked, and sadly it's just an empty plot of land. Quite disappointing really, great if you're good at making your own homes with the blocks etc. but the fact that it'll take up too much space in there to do so.. It's not so great.